Chapter 13

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Percy's Pov 

      I vapor-traveled into my room, thinking that I could possibly avoid the chaos that struck last time if I walked down from upstairs, and was about to do so, when I realized something: Did Delta need a cage? Or was she fine just flying with me? My solution to this problem, being the sensible person that I am, was to ask her.

      "Hey Delta?" I asked, " Do you need, like, a cage or bed or something?"

      To my surprise, she actually responded. In my head. Well, she said(thought?) thoughtfully, I don't need one when we're just walking around, but for sleeping purposes and to stop the others from being suspicious, I might need one.

     "Okay," I responded. I knew that they sold them in Diagon Alley, but why pay for one when I could just make one myself? Plus, I hadn't gotten the chance to try out too many of my new powers during training yet. Having made a decision, I closed my eyes, which was rather frightening, and sensed A LOT of precious gems underground. There were rubies, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, amethysts, and so much more. Unable to decide on just one thing, I decided to just mix a bunch of stuff and see what would happen. So, I stretched out my fingers toward the ground and then very slowly closed my hands. All of my muscles were tense. I slowly opened my eyes to see a pile of treasures in front of me. That was the easy part-now for the real challenge. Deciding to keep my eyes open this time, I stared daggers at the pile, imagining all of the stoned liquefying and molding together to form a bird cage, before re-solidifying. 

      The result was beautiful. A magnificent piece of art. The different colors and substances swirled together, little pieces of sparkling gold distributed throughout the entire thing. The most amazing part had to be the base, though, I hadn't pictured this, but I guess it had been on my mind. Images of the Seven decorated the base. Frank, surrounded by different animals and brandishing his bow, Hazel, sat upon The Infamous Cussing Horse (a/n I couldn't remember how to spell the name), and Jason, riding Tempest through the wind, a coin floating above his outstretched hand mid-spin, on the left. Starting from the furthest right and working towards the center, Piper, looking into her dagger, eyes blazing with determination, Leo, riding Festus while completely surrounded in flames, Annabeth, stormy grey eyes calculating your every move, clearly mid-battle, drakon-bone sword in hand. Then, finally me, in the center of it all (kinda) with my Hurricane of Elements surrounding me, my vengeance-filled eyes glowing once again. I was glowing, and my glow seemed to stretch out, surrounding all of my friends and protecting them.

      I let out a low whistle. I was wondering why I hadn't yet had a flashback when I realized that I had been staring at it for a long time, and that if I didn't go downstairs soon, someone would come up looking for me. So, I put Delta in her cage to make it clear that she was mine, and stepped out of my room. 

      The moment I stepped through the doorway, a wave of sound hit me. Assuming that they were looking for me again, I began to walk downstairs. I must've been right, because the moment they saw me they got quiet.

      "Where have you been?!" Bill asked. I decided that for once, I would answer honestly.

      "I got a bird!" I responded, holding up the cage as evidence.

      "What do you mean, you got a bird?" Harry asked, "Where did it come from?"

      "Well you see, Harry, when a mommy bird and a daddy bird love each other very much..." I trailed off.

      Hermoine sighed, clearly exasperated. "No, no, no. That's not what he means. Where did you get the bird?"

      I sighed. "Hermoine, Hermoine, Hermoine. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one. I got the bird outside. Anyway, that's not important. Don't we have some shopping to do?" I really just wanted this conversation to be over, and no one likes to talk to someone who's rude. 

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