So let me me start you off in the begging. I moved to Missouri about a year ago almost two now but when I first moved here I didn't know anyone because I was in the new state. So my grandma made me go to summer school. When I went to summer school, I met a boy his name was Cole. He was 14 and he was dating someone and her name was Madison. She wasn't very nice, she made him act like they were dating. Anyway long story short me and my friends helped him break up with her. Then less than 2 weeks later me and Cole started dating. We dated for about a year and then he decided to tell me that he was gay. I was really sad but I did know that he was originally by. I took the risk and it stabbed me in the back. I'm an eighth grade now, and he's in ninth grade AKA he's a high schooler. I felt so dumb at first, I had multiple people try to ask me out but I turned them down because I was dating someone, including someone I had a crush on. I Ignored my feelings because I thought it was wrong to like someone while I was dating someone. The guy had a crush on hit on me one time, I told him to leave me alone because I had a boyfriend, apparently that was a mistake, especially when your boyfriend turns out to be gay. A little hint for future girls that have boyfriends, if your boyfriend has an altar girl personality turns out they're probably gay, or if they talk like a girl like they say "giiirrrlll you're looking fabulous" take that as a hint and brake up with them before them brake up with you for a guy. Lol