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 AUTHOR'S NOTE :  Hi guys, this story is based on a Pak show- Yakeen ka safar. I recently caught up with it on YT and fell in love with it! This  OS is just a small continuation piece starting from the end of the 24th eppy. Not something I'm proud of, but thought I will share it nonetheless since I have written it anyway! 

Not proofread. Kindly excuse the errors. Will edit them later. 


He wanted to be indifferent to Fariyal because truly she was a non-existent entity in his present life but her actions had compelled him to yell at her... Her going on and on about how she still loved him and had always loved him was still excusable but the fact that she insisted he still loved her, was beyond tolerance!

But the truth be said he knew the exact reason he rose his voice against her was none of the above... the true reason was that he was angry with himself or to be more precise he was angry with himself for being so affected by one Dr. Zubia's attitude towards him... He shouldn't have been bothered if she had decided to get up and go in the middle of the conversation without giving him any heed and nor should he have been bothered by her answer...It was funny because all she said was why would she be angry with him and that's exactly what made him angry. Somehow her saying that felt as if he was nobody to her, not somebody she would even be bothered being angry with and that somehow hurt...He never knew that somebody not being angry with you too will hurt so badly, but guess that's life...it teaches new lessons each day...

He shouldn't be bothered about what she thinks or says but invariably he had started to and now it looks like he has been feeling this way for quite some time as he can't even remember when it started and he is already in the middle of all this messy feelings... He doesn't remember ever feeling this way in all his life, this totally helpless confused state which is totally dependent on another person's mood swings. His days with Fariyal were nothing compared to what he was feeling now for Zubia.

Now it was like the days she smiled at him, feel extra special and the day she doesn't, feel horrible no matter how successful his day has been professionally... And the worst days were the days he never saw her...Oh those days were totally unbearable... He didn't want to meddle with the duty roster, but if he did get a chance, he surely saw to that she got most of the day duties where he would at least get a glimpse of her...

But then there were days like today when he unexpectedly got a chance to meet her on her off day! He had felt so elated about his good luck. Also he felt extremely happy when his family members, especially his mom doted on her. Somehow his family members loving and accepting her as a part of their small family made him so very happy and proud. Almost like how nowadays he felt proud when someone praised her good work in the hospital. Somehow her pride was becoming his too...

But it was also during the days like these that he realised that his tempers flared when she didn't speak properly with him. He could even bear her anger but her indifference hurt the most. Just like that day when she was completely lost in what that Dr. Funny Guy had to say to her... She hadn't even realised had come there as she was so lost in his silly jokes.

Oh, Dr. Haroon was a perfect colleague but seriously ever since he saw him making her laugh, on a personal front he was his number one enemy! Nobody had the right to bring that smile on her face except him! Okay that might seem petty, but somehow when he isn't so sure whether she even felt an ounce of what he felt for her, he knew his insecurity will remain... For he wasn't a person who wants to control his wife and cage her for he very well understands and accepts the fact that she has the full freedom to do as she likes as a fellow human being... But the insecure lover in him was jealous and possessive at least for the time being, till he has gotten his assurance that he was the only one that she really liked to laugh with no matter how many fake laughs others brought on her face... He was now desperate for that assurance and was trying hard every day to come up with a way to convey the same to her.

But instead of progressing in his efforts to gain that reassurance, it looked like she was moving far away from him each day... Somehow it looked like Fariyal was the reason she left so abruptly today and that was the anger which made him burst upon her when she confidently accused him of still being in love with her! Huh what joke! If only she knew what actual love meant! In fact he wished to say to her that it was now he was finally getting to know the real meaning of love, now that he had met Zubia; but he thought he would gain nothing if Fariyal decides to confront Zubia out of spite and further upset his already upset Doctor.

He couldn't sleep with all these troubling thoughts eating away his head and decided to go for a walk. And before he knew he was in front of her house! His feet surely knew its destination even if his heart was slow in reaching there! There he found a comforting truth... she too hadn't slept just like him...

He saw that the light in her bedroom too was still on... Maybe these feelings were eating away her too... And with that came a different thought that maybe it really was Fariyal who made her angry, or to be more precise her presence next to him? Could that be the reason why she had left him bereft and gone unceremoniously? Could it be she was actually jealous of Fariyal just he had burnt when he saw her with Dr.Haroon? Could he be really that lucky? Maybe he wasn't burning alone with these volcanic thoughts, maybe just maybe she too was caught up in the same whirlwind he was caught up in! And finally after a whole day of being angry and brooding, the thought that she too might be as affected as him, brought a bright smile on his face.

He then saw a shadow near her window and just like he wished she looked outside as if by undefined magnetic pull their eyes met even at that great distance, him outside the gate and her by the first floor window! She was surprised at first and when she saw his happy smile reflecting like a midnight sun on her, she couldn't resist to reciprocate it. At that moment he knew she belonged to him just like he did to her. But he also knew this was the appropriate moment to openly confess his feelings for her, even though hopefully she had gotten a hint by his current inappropriate behaviour of his feelings towards her. He then simply smiled again and bowed his head in a goodbye gesture and turned and jogged back happily to his house.

Tomorrow was Saim's 6th birthday and Asfi knew he will finally string and tune his guitar again after these many years not only to wish his nephew a happy birthday but also to finally give words to his intense feelings he felt for his Zubia. She may have never met the more cheerfully romantic, silly Asfi who sang at every whim and maybe she never will too because he was a changed person now; but she surely will meet him, his true self of what he had actually become now without the shroud of sadness he usually kept himself hidden in... 

He was now a more mature version of that Asfi but he wanted to show her that he was perfectly capable of being cheerful and was equally capable of spreading that cheerfulness! He won't resort to silly old romantic gestures for now he won't be just serenading his lover like he used to, no, now he would be trying to convey to the most important person in his life what she actually meant to him in the most direct and public way possible without offending her sensibilities! He knew he had a tough job ahead, so he decided to spend the rest of the night writing up the lyrics that would tug her heart strings when he tugged his guitar's...

"Roshan din aur jagmag raatein

Tujhse hi yeh saari baatein..."


AN: Feedback is love! Be free to tell me what u didn't like as free as u tell me what u liked! :)

My other Asifya OS: 💞

1) https://www.wattpad.com/story/127073634-pyar-ek-yakeen-ka-safar-asfi-zubiya-os

2) https://www.wattpad.com/story/127039140-the-moment-of-love-an-asifya-yakeen-ka-safar-os

3) https://www.wattpad.com/story/127530191-the-alternate-choice-an-asfiya-yks-os

Maybe it's love - An ASfi/Zubiya One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now