Umehito Nekozawa One-Shot Request by @OneWithRussia

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Umehito Nekozawa, the president of the Black Magic Club and the only member, was wandering the halls. He had a free period, and no where to go and no friends to hang out with. Suddenly, he could hear pounding footsteps coming in his direction. A girl was running down the hall with a stack of books clutched tightly to her chest. "I'm gonna be late for class! I'm gonna be late!" She yells to herself. The girl isn't looking where she's going and runs straight into Nekozawa. She drops her books and falls to the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Nekozawa says as he picks up her books and helps her off the floor. Now he gets a good look of her. His breath caught as he saw her sparkling [e/c] eyes and shiny [h/c] hair.

"No problem. It was kind of my fault." The girl says in a musical voice. "Thanks anyway." She says as she runs to her class once again. The girl waves at him as she goes. Nekozawa waves feebly back. The girl turned her head to look where she was going and narrowly missed a potted plant. She had a light unseen blush spread across her cheeks. 

Nekozawa raised a hand to his chest. His heart was beating so fast it felt as if it was about to explode. "Do I...Do I love her? Is this love at first sight?" Nekozawa resumed his wandering. Unbeknown to him, the twins had a free period as well. Hikaru and Kaoru saw the whole thing unfold behind that potted plant. They even saw the girl's blush. They looked to each other, then back at Nekozawa's dark form. Nekozawa was creepy...But they couldn't resist the chance to meddle in love. And neither could the Host Club president. They ran off to fins Tamaki, all too excited with this discovery. 

Tamaki's reaction was expected. "What!?! Nekozawa is in love with the new girl!?" Tamaki asks in disbelief.

"Yes, he is." Kaoru started. "Just like we said." Hikaru ended. "So what are we going to do?" The twins said in unison.

Tamaki stroked his chin in contemplation. He snapped his fingers. "Ah ha! I have and idea." 

Nekozawa followed the girl as much as he could to learn everything about her. He was sure he was in love now. No one noticed him, like always. Despite being in a black cloak, he blended in well with everything. He learned that her name was [First Name] [Last Name], and that she likes to [Fill in 3 of your hobbies]. Technically this was stalking....But he just "happened" to be around. Nekozawa leaned against a wall and sighed. So this is what it's like to be in love... He thought.

Now the Host Club took action. They dragged Nekozawa from behind into a dark closet. They stole his cloak and wig as well. There was an audible click as they locked the door. "Hey, let me out of here!" Nekozawa shouted. He banged on the door with his fist. Only to hear retreating footsteps.

"No chance, they won't let me out either." It was the same musical voice that Nekozawa fell in love with. "I have a flashlight though..." She turned on the flashlight.

"No! No! Turn that off!" Nekozawa screamed in pain.

[Name] turned the flashlight off. "What, do you have photophobia?" She asks.

Nekozawa  sits down across from her. "Yes I am. That's why I wear a dark wig and cloak." He explains.

"I didn't think that you had hair naturally that color. It didn't match your eyebrows." [Name] says. "But what is your natural hair color..." [Name] turns on the flashlight and Nekozawa cringes in fear. But instead she has it facing away from him and casting a soft glow in the closet. Light enough to see, but not hurt him. "So you're a blonde." [Name] says. "Looks better on you than that dark wig. Don't act so surprised, I've seen you following me around."

Nekozawa only blushes. "So you remember me?" He asks shyly.

"Course I do. You're Umehito Nekozawa, right?" [Name] asks.

Nekozawa nods. "Yes, but please call me Nekozawa." 

"Alright then Nekozawa. So I guess we're stuck her together then, aren't we?" [Name] leans toward Nekozawa.

Nekozawa leans back and blushes redder. "Yes [Name], I guess we are." [Name] keeps leaning forward and Nekozawa backward until

"Oof!" [Name] falls forward and lands on Nekozawa. "Sorry there. Hehe..." [Name] chuckles nervously.

"No, no, it's quite alright. I don't mind." Finding his courage, Nekozawa sits her on his lap. Now it's [Name]'s turn to blush.

[Name] quickly kisses Nekozawa's cheek. "I really like you Nekozawa." She says even more quickly.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I kissed you then?..." [Name] nods slowly. Nekozawa leans into her. Their lips brush teasingly once. Then [Name] throws her arms around his neck and pulls him into her. Nekozawa's blonde hair falls about their faces. 

Kind of a weird ending, but I hope this one was good~! Oh, and sorry about not adding the -chan and -san and -senpai stuff to the end of the names. I'm kind of unfamiliar with that, so bear with me.  

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