The Imperial Town of Helsing

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Once i lived in the capital of the imperial's now i am there prisoner because my own father turned me in because i was threat to his own plan because i would hand him over to the imperial's yet i did not know anything of my fahter's plans. When i arrived home to tell my father that i am engaged to Rebecca Garcia she is from a wealthy family but as i entered the house their were guards there instead of waiting to see if they were there for me i decided to go upstairs and pack my stuff because Becky's dad is taking me to riften so that we could have a wedding in riften which is a town located on the water. As i   was packing my stuff a knock came on my door so i decided to exit my room through my secret tunnel  once i was out of my house i decided to collopse my tunnel and i ran to becky's house once i arrived it was to late their were guards there and they turned to face me then all of a sudden i got hit on the head by the guard that was behind me and they took me to Helsing yet i was not traitor but they treated me like i was, once the wagon arrived at Helsing there i saw general Jimenez he is in charge of the imperial army. Once i got of the wagon the guard to took my name said:

Guard: "Ambrose Salinas"

as he said my name the captain of the guard came next to him and started questioning him just then we all heard a dragon roar yet they are suppose to be extinct yet comming over the mountains there it was it positioned it self on the tower overlooking Helsing then it let out an unrelenting shout which gave me a concusion but i went to where this girl was she introduced herself and her name is "Jade Thomas", 

Jade: " Well what is your name boy",

Ambrose: " I may be a boy but i have fought prisoners just so that i can eat but now i am bound but i must escape from helsing and my name is "Ambrose Salinas" is that fine with you jade",

Jade: "Well then Ambrose welcome to the imperial army i am the captain that was next to guy writing down your name but now we must escape together in order to survive helsing and the dragons wrath",

As we went into the tunnels under Helsing we came out the dragon just passed over us so she then said:

Jade: " Well we can either partways or you can come with me and explain to my family what happened in Helsing then afterwards we can go meet up with General Jimenez",

David: " This is interesting jade well i will join you and explain to your parents exactly what happened at Helsing",

As we headed to a town called Riverbed there she approched this man then she pointed towards me then she came back and giuded me to the house but i did not want to intrude but jade held a firm grip on me so i obeyed. Once inside i noticed that her whole family started at me that is until her brothers saw me and tried to attck me but jade stood between them and then she started to explain what happened to Helsing but there are a lot of people in jades house that are her family.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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