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Narrator's POV

"Promise me, you won't leave me alone." Little Saeron demanded.

"Yeah.." Little Jungkook replied with his head hung low.

"Promise me, you will always be with me."


"Promise me, you will find me if we both are alone."


"Promise me, you will not forget me in the future."

Jungkook raised his head up and sighed. "Of course I won't forgot about you. I will always remember you." He slid his small hand down his face, annoyed.

"Promise me, you will keep my promises forever and ever and ever and ever and EVER."

Little Jungkook dropped his shoulders and crossed his arms. "I pwomise (promise), gosh. You're only 5 yearsh (years) old like me, and you think too much." Jungkook shook his head.

"I-I'm sowwy (sorry)....." Saeron sadly looked at the ground. "I just scared you might leave me."

"Saeron, you're going to leave. Not me."

"Saeron-ah! Mommy is here! Let's go home and pack up!" Saeron's mom called out, getting out of her car.

"Bye Jungkook. I might see you when I grow up biiiiiig and tall. I want to see you biiiiig and tallll too."

"Okay. I will grow up taller than you. I will be more stronger than you."


Saeron took her small feet and walked to her mom. But she turned back, and Jungkook still had his eyes on her.

"When I come back, I will marry you! Bye!" Saeron brightly smiled.

Jungkook was left dumbfounded. "Um."

     Jungkook always wanted to do this, but he couldn't. He didn't have the guts to. But today, Saeron was leaving, and he made up his mind without hesitating. He ran to her and took her hand, forcibly making her face him. He kissed her on the lips and smiled right after. "I'll remember the promises. I will...."

     By the time he realized, Saeron just had disappeared from his sight.


I decided to repost this story. I guess I was a little bit motivated to upload this.

Edits by: -evyzy <— Follow her and READ her story! She's trying her best to publish it everyday since she's busy with studies.

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