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A week had passed and I am seriously getting more closer with Wonwoo. I'm already close with Mingyu so. The three of us are like best buddies already but nah, we're not.

"Okay class so, make a group consists of five members-"

"Soyi, Wonwoo, Chaeri, Jaewoo and me." Mingyu suddenly said as he raised his hand and I glared at him but Mrs. Lim just nodded her head.

"I'll give each group a different task." Mrs. Lim said.

The five of us gathered together. I seriously don't know why Mingyu wanted us to be in the same group.

"The due for your project is two days from now." Mrs. Lim said and all the students whined because of the short period of time to do the project. Like, seriously? Two days?

But, Mrs. Lim won't change the due date, we knew her very well.

"Should we just do our project at the library?" Chaeri asked.

"No, I heard that the school's library are haunted. There's a rumor that a student saw a white lady reading a book." Jaewoo bluntly stated and I blinked my eyes as I looked at him in disbelief.

"It's just a rumor, duh." Mingyu shook his head.

"You still believe in ghost?" I queried with an eyebrow raised. He shook his head with a sheepish smile.

"Where should we do this project then?" Chaeri asked again.

"Wonwoo's house! His wifi connection are just so excellent!" Mingyu exclaimed and there Wonwoo shook his head as a negative response.

"Not my house." He sternly said and Mingyu pouted.

"I don't have any wifi in my house." Chaeri said and I high-5 with her since I don't have wifi in my house too. I know right, poor me.

"There is wifi in my house but I don't want you guys to come to my house, it's like a barn." Jaewoo said smiling making Chaeri and I chuckled.

"Then, let's just do it in your house." Mingyu pleaded at Wonwoo and Wonwoo just glared at him.

"Why my house, seriously." He rolled his eyes.

"Because you have an excellent wifi connection plus, there are so many chocolates and soft drinks in your own refrigerator!" Mingyu exclaimed in excitement.

"Urgh fine, let's just do it in my house. But just don't eat too much of my chocolates or else you'll have to pay." He said dryly to Mingyu and Mingyu clapped his hands like a retarted seal.

Lol jk, he's cute okay.

"I won't!" He shouted like a kid.

"Don't worry, I'm not into chocolate so.." Chaeri smiled.

"And I don't eat chocolate." Jaewoo raised his hand as if he surrenders. So, it's only me and Mingyu who eats chocolate, huh?

Since we've discussed what to bring and what to do, we played our phones since Mrs. Lim aren't watching us.

Broad Shoulders: so, going to wonwoo's house huh?

Me: yeah

Me: we're just gonna do a project

Me: wait


Me: i thought ure somewhere nearer but not in my class??

Broad Shoulders: shh

Broad Shoulders: arent ure excited that u can go inside his house? 😏

Me: why would i?

Broad Shoulders: heish

Broad Shoulders: u got to enter your crush's house 🤩🤩🤩🤩

Me: i dont like him okay

Broad Shoulders: and u will one day 😆😆

Me: geez

Me: u annoying

I lifted my head to check whether Mrs. Lim is watching or not and yes, she's playing with her phone then I saw both Mingyu and Wonwoo playing their phones too.

Broad Shoulders: i am annoying

Me: i know

I suddenly heard a 'ting' sound and it comes from either Wonwoo or Mingyu.

Me: are u from my class?

I asked and the 'ting' sound came again. Wonwoo suddenly put his phone into his pocket while Mingyu was still playing with his phone.

Broad shoulders is Mingyu?

"Who are you texting with?" I dared to ask him and he suddenly hide his phone.

"Secret." He smirked and I squinted my eyes to him.

But why is he so innocent?


Broad Shoulders | Jeon WonwooWhere stories live. Discover now