Chapter 5

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We met Corbyn and Maya and decided to go back to the Why Dont We house to introduce ourselves to other boys. I looked and Maya , Maya looked at me. We smiled and giggled. Both boys looked at us with confusion. "Are you guys okay ? " Corbyn asked.
Maya and I smiled and walk towards the car.
"Today was unexpected," Maya whispered to me and giggled.

Jack's P.O.V.

Me, Jonah and Daniel were at home and we were wondering where Zach and Corbyn went. "I tried to call Zach and Corbyn but they didn't answer." Daniel said with a worried look. That does it. I couldn't take this anymore. I am so WORRIED. Just when I was about to call the police, the door opened. "Zach! Corbyn!" I screamed. I ran to pull them into a hug. When I looked up, I saw two girls dat looks really familiar. "IS THAT EMILY AND MAYA HOLLISTER? YOU GUYS DO YOUTUBE VIDEOS RIGHT? I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS! YOU GUYS HAVE REALLY GREAT VOICES!" I said. I guess I am a really big fan of them.


Everyone was confused. Maya and Emily laughed and answered "well yea. You watch our videos?"

"Hell yea. You guys are great singers !" Jack exclaims.

The girls laughed and thanked him for the compliment. They stayed there for abit , they watched netflix and ate popcorns.

Jonah's P.O.V

The girls seemed nice. It was surprising to know that both Zach and Corbyn got a girlfriend on a same day, same time. I knew Corb and Zach wanted them to stay longer. So i asked them if they wanted to sleepover. Well, it was getting late too. I could see Zach and Corbyn looking at me in a thanking way. The girls agreed and i informed them where to sleep.
"Since we dont have any extra rooms. Maya you can bunk in with Corbyn and Emily, you with Zach. Is that okay?"

"Yea sure but i dont have my pjs and any make up remover... " Emily panicked.
"No worrys babe. Me and Corbyn can send you and Maya home to get your things." Zach says and winked at Emily.
"Then whats the point of sleeping over if im going home anyways?" Emily laughs. Everyone knew she was kidding. The girls left with Corbyn and Zach.

30 mins later, they reach our house. Daniel, Jack and I started looking at each other.

Maya's bag

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Maya's bag

Emily's bag

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Emily's bag

It was as if they were moving in.

"Theyre staying with us this whole week guys!" Both Corbyn and Zach said at the same time.
"Well that explains those big luggages," laughed Daniel.

The girls head up to the rooms and place their bags at the corner of the rooms. They took out their pjs and changed.

Maya's pjs

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Maya's pjs

Emily's pjs

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Emily's pjs

"How do they look hot even in their pjs?" Corbyn whispered to the boys.
Everyone laughed and head up to their rooms to rest.

Emily's P.O.V
When i came up, i saw Zach laying on the bed. He was waiting for me. How sweet? I hopped on and covered myself with the blankets. I faced Zach and watched him fell asleep slowly. And soon. I fell asleep.

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