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i just keep staring at jaebum for a few moments until i had to wave in front of him to get his attention. his face looks calm and he tilted his head a little bit after he shortly cut himself off.

for a mean person he's pretty cute. but chaerin says that a very few in this school are like that. mean.

he has that chic look; maybe especially during the weekends.

"uh..hello?" i say as i still wave in front of him and he finally got my attention. he shook his head as if he went back to reality and blinked a few times.

"oh uh--yes?"

i see chaerin at the corner of my eye raising her eyebrow, smiling. maybe she's surprised as much as i am.

i was so focused about chaerin at the corner of my eye that i'm still looking at jaebum without even myself knowing. when i saw him move, now i'm the one who shook my head and focus at him.

"hey, don't leave me hangin'..." he sheepishly said as he scratched his neck and slightly smiled at me. i can still tell that he wanted to sleep.

..is he serious right now? he was not so nice earlier and now he is..i don't know why, but i'm a little angry about that.

is he faking? he doesn't sound really mad at me..

why is he being so nice? maybe because i'm a new student?

i replied, "oh sorry. is that desk beside you taken?" while i point at the desk.

he looks at the desk beside him and he thought about it for a few moments and responded, "no, nobody sits there. you can take it."

he tells me that as quiet and sweet as possible, and he goes back putting his head down as he did before.

but this time, he doesn't hide his face and he looks at the front of the classroom.

"ah, thank you." i say to him as i walk to the unoccupied desk.

i turn to see jaebum once more and i can see his ears suddenly getting really red and his eyes shut really right.


i understand that. he almost yelled at me.

more students started to come in and soon the classroom started to get full. a teacher came in and everybody started to calm down, hearing a lot of shushing.

"good morning everybody and let's get started with this unit, shall we?" is what i heard from the teacher, and i knew that school has officially began; our first subject being mathematics.

why? ❥ im jaebumWhere stories live. Discover now