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**i got the inspiration right THERE ON THE MULTIMEDIA. YOU should take a look at it for better imagination and visualization.


You enjoyed Yixing being silent and a little conservative. Like there were times when you were wearing a shorts on your date and he took off his jacket to wrap it around your hips. He reasoned out, it would keep you warm but then you knew all along that he just didn’t want anyone to see you the way he sees you. And you liked him for it. When he was being love dovey, he wanted no one to see. Like he wanted to be just alone with you.

And then there was that time you would really never forget. You were wondering how your first kiss would go with him since he didn’t make any move yet. Imagining it while you two were walking home from school. He asked you what you were thinking and you told him the truth. He smiled at you and you were surprised when he pulled you at an alley way where there were no people around. Typically Yixing. You asked me what he was doing but then he pulled you by your hips and placed his lips ever so slowly to yours. You didn’t know what to do at first but then you cupped his face and started kissing him back.

Well, that was how your first kiss together.


Luhan was the type to be proud to show his affections, talking about PDA. He would hold your hands while in class, making the teacher to cough at the both of you. And you would get embarrassed but then he would lean in whispers sorry which would just melt you.

Sometimes, he loved hanging out at your house which was with your parent’s consent. And while at your room, no kinky stuffs happening of course, he would just cuddle you. Placing you in front of him, while squatting and he put his chin on your shoulders while you tried so hard to memorize your notes for a quiz on the next day, you suddenly got frustrated. He asked you why and you said nothing gets in to your head. Then he suggested you eat a bubble gum and it would help you. You gave him a skeptical look, but followed him anyways. And as you were chewing you began blowing it up then popped it out as a habit. He found it interesting and he made you face him. You had a questioning look on your face while blowing up the gum and he kissed the other side of it that when it popped out, he had his lips on yours. When he pulled after, he was grinning and you were blushing.

Yea, you studied really hard that you barely passed the quiz the next day, and came into conclusion that gums didn’t help you after all.


He didn’t want anyone to touch his cheeks, you knew about that. But really you wanted to pinch it for once. You asked Xiumin about it and even begged for it but he refused. You pouted in return and he would pinch you. You swatted his hands away, saying he was being unfair and he would just shrug while grinning mischievously. Ugh, he just frustrates the hell out of you. One day, you swore, you would be able to pinch his cheeks.

You were sitting at a diner, he was across you. You usually initiated the physical contacts, aka lovey dovey towards him. Of course he would be shy at first but then he loved it, why would he refuse. It was his girl who he was doing it with. This time an idea came to you and after feeding him a small slice of cake, you propped your arms on the table and leaned close to him, puckering your lips. He looked at you and smiled before mimicking your actions. Just when he was about to kiss you, you held up your hands and pinched him which made him “-aw!” and then you peck his lips. When you both pulled away, you were grinning in triumph while he rubbed his cheeks. It hurts, he said and you cooed while mouthing a sorry.

After that, he gave you the freedom to pinch his cheeks BUT, with a kiss of course.


You two loved the library so much because it was the place where you first met, first confessed with each other, first held hands, and first kissed.

Well, Chen asked you to meet at the libraries after school. You weren’t classmates so the only time you would be together was these times.

He was busy writing down something on his notes when you arrived.  He looked up at you and he pulled the chair beside him, telling you to sit beside him and you obliged. You knew very well not to disturb him so you busied yourself also. Minutes passed and he closed his notebook while you stopped doing what you were doing and stared at him, he pulled you up suddenly while saying he wanted to do something and he was talking about ‘first’. You didn’t quiet hear him so you just tagged along. When you both came to an empty stall, he picked a random book in the corner and dragged you inside before raising the book up to your faces and he slowly leaned in. Kissing you with the book covering the two of you even though no one was around, was cute. It was so cute you even forgot to hear a small cough coming from the librarian and you two hesitantly pulled away. The librarian left you two with, “at least you covered yourselves” mumbling, and you both laugh.


He loved capturing moments with his phone. Even taking pictures of him included those moments. Tao, was that type of guy.

And among those moments he captured included you too, he said. You chuckled at him and rubbed your noses together while he laughed. Silly, you said and pulled away. It was morning and you two just woke up. Sleeping over his house wasn’t bad (nothing happened, okay?) and you decided to go down and prepare a late breakfast. He climbed down his bed too and walked to the bathroom fixing his disheveled hair.

When you were done, he wasn’t down yet so you walked in to his room and found him on the bath doing something. As usual, he was taking a photo of himself. Hey, you called out to him as you leaned on the door frame. He looked up from his phone to you and then pulled your wrist. You laughed while giving him a hug, your one arm on his hip. Let’s take picture, he offered and you nodded. What you didn’t expect was that, he kissed you after he placed his phone in front of the mirror snapping a shot. You bit your lip, smiling and he pulled away, grinning.


There are three ways of kissing you. You remembered what Kris said over the phone. You laughed at your imagination, trying to picture out what ways he was talking about. Today would be your anniversary, and he asked you out on a date. He wasn’t being gentleman on your anniversary since you came earlier than him.

Looking down, you played with your feet as you sighed. You didn’t want to feel bad and upset him. No. Just then, a head blocked your sight and you realized it was him when he looked up to kiss you. When he pulled away, he was looking down at you (height difference, ugh) smiling apologetically. You smiled and he said that was the first way. You frowned but when you got what he meant, you tiptoed and reached for his face and gave him a peck. He grinned after saying he wasn’t expecting that you would do the second way. You laughed and hit him lightly before he grabbed your hips and pulled you up, making you wrapped your legs on him while you shared another kiss.

You thought, that may be the third way and he confirmed you were right when he told you about it later. Mr. Galaxy, please. You teased him and he laughed.

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