Chapter 1

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"Girls girls girls they love me ~ naneun wae momi ireoneun geoni~" I'm casually humming my favourite song, while waiting for Eunji to arrive to school.I began doodling on the desk "Life suckss." I complained.

"Shin Yong High, may I have your attention please, student Yoon Bomi, Yoon Bomi, please come to the principle office as soon as possible." The announcement said "Oh no... What have I put myself into??" I mumbled and got up nervously and walked to the priciple office "don't panic" I whispered to myself before knocking the door. "Come in" The old man said "Good morning Mr.Kim."I said with a nervous tone"Good morning, Yoon Bomi shi, how's summer?Did you do anything meaningful?" he asked and I stopped *quick recall* what have I done this summer? 

- eat

- fan girl



- episodes and episodes of korean dramas and weekly idol

-  going on youtube searching got 7's JB's cute mistakes


- Tones of fan fiction on jongkey (jonghyun and key) 


- attempting to dance to girl's day's expect

-attempting to dance to sistar's ma boy


*snap* *Back to reality* 

"Um.. I umm.... I..." I tried to find the words "I bet you were having a quick relaxing time neh?" He said an I said nothing. "Well, as results, this is what you're getting." He passed me my report card, and WHAT "Average is C?!" I yelled while looking shocked. "I'm afriad that it's a yes.." He said "Miss.Yoon, if your scores are not going up by the end of this semester, then I'm afriad that you will have to repeat this school year, also I have contacted your parents and see what kind of support can we give to you, good luck, it's not too late." He said to me, I stood there with my mouth opened.

One semester. I can't repeat, that's embarrassing. Omo... what can I do. I guess I will have to change my schedule now, only eating left then... maybe some fan fiction as well... BOMI STOP. 

I whinned. Sooner or later my phone rang and it's umma.

"yeoboseyo?" "YOON BOMI, YOU'RE DEAD MEAT WHEN YOU COME HOME. C? REALLY? AND YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU'RE STUDYING ALL THE TIME." ".... Umma.. I..." "FROM NOW ON YOU'RE HAVING TUTOR AFTER SCHOOL EVERYDAY." "AISH!! UMMA! IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS.." "IT IS SERIOUS, YOON BOMI, YOU'RE GOING TO UNIVERSITY NEXT YEAR, TRY AND TELL ME THAT IT IS NOT THAT SERIOUS ONE MORE TIME.." and I know that arguing with her is a waste of time so I just gave in "neh, whatever umma, but can you at least help me to get a girl tutor?" I said "too late I've found someone already, he's coming a 4 pm today. DON'T BE LATE!" she literally growled through the phone."Phuck." I whispered 

he is coming at 4 pm today....

IT'S A GUY. I don't want a guy tutor, I would rather sound stupid infront of a girl than infront of a guy. 

Time passed quickly, normally I would be happy that time is passing that quick, but not today, I don't wanna go back home at all...

I walked back to home 

"I'm home" i said "AISH YOON BOMI, I TOLD YOU TO BE EARLY! WHAT TIME IS IT NOW? 3:40 HE'S HERE ALREADY, COME!" she pulled my ear and said "YAH!!!APPAYO! IT'S ONLY 3:40 YOU SAID HE IS COMING AT 4 IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT HE'S THAT EARLY!" I said earning another slap from umma. "be polite." she said before leaving me infront of my door, I opened it to see him sitting on one of my chair preparing notes. Eh.... not bad. I chuckled and he looked up smiling. 


"Bomi shi?" he asked lol nevermind he looks cheesy

"Neh seonsangnim..." I shyly replied "and you are...?"  I asked 

"Just call me Suho." 

damn this cheesy dude is cool, i hate that. 

I'm too cool for him, period, i mean... full stop. 

"Suho. K." I pretended to be cool too.

"Okay, so what do you want to work on today?" He asked 

"Don't know." I said, eating my cookie."Bomi shi, stop eating." He chuckled "I just came back from school.I can eat a fucking whale whenever I came back from school." I said 

"Don't swear, bomi shi.." He chuckled again, and I rolled my eyes, gosh this guy is weird. "So can I see your homework?" I handed him my book. "why don't we start with this?" He pointed at my english homework which is the only homework that I am having today."sure." I answered as I begin to write 

"hold on hold on!" He said "You're supposed to plan it before writing it." He said passing me a paper "It's okay." I said "No it's not." He said "why isn't it ok?" I asked "Because you will be more clear once you've brain stormed your ideas."  He said "Ain't I supposed to think in my brain when it's called brainstorm?" I asked and he laughed "You like to argue, don't you?" I said nothing but nodded. 

"Well, screw that, let's talk, I wanna know you more." He took away my homework and said "Wow okay!" I chuckled, I'm liking this "So my name is Yoon Bomi, I love to eat, sing and read." I awkwardly said "Oh you love to read too?What is your favorite book?" he asked "Close the door." I said "huh?" He stared at my door "it's closed" He added and I laughed "It's called close the door." I clearified "Oh... I haven't heard of that book before, is it a fiction or non fiction book?" he asked "It's fan fiction." "fa--- fan wut?" he looked confused, great I love confusing people."Fan fiction." I said "what is that?" He asked "Please, you arent' that old for it right?" I teased him since he's somewhat approachable."I'm old" He said "But tell me what's fan fiction?" He asked, I sighed and opened a website to show him. "AISH! WHAT IS THAT ARE THOSE TWO GUYS MAKING OUT? YOON BOMI, YOU'RE SO MESSED UP!" he said "Don't judge me!" I said 

"You are not reading this anymore." He demanded "True, I have finished it already." I smirked "I didn't mean it in that way." He said "Well I did." I said "Here read this, he passed me a book. To kill a mockingbird." I grabbed its corner "ewwww wut." I said "Respect literature." he said "respect creativity and lgbt." I said. He smiled "Bomi, you really like to argue, right?" He said "Neh." I laughed and answer, "you're interesting." He said "I am." I answered. Then we spent the rest of the hours chatting and doing my homework. "Good bye bomi, see you tomorrow!" He smiled and waved "Bye!!!" I waved 

Hey it isn't that bad.It was.. fun! 

I smiled to myself, hoping to see him tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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