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Tagged by Akemi_Akashi! Thankyou for the tag!

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Tagged by Akemi_Akashi! Thankyou for the tag!

1) Would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now?
Probably not

2) Would you ever smile at a stranger?
No unless they smiled first or if I want to make a good impression.

3) what exactly are you wearing right now?
Umm well I'm wearing navy shorts and a hoodie! ^^

4) How often do you listen to music?
I listen to music multiple times a day lol

5) Are you a social or antisocial person?
Im mainly antisocial unless someone approaches me first and even still I'll be quite quite lol But if I know you well I can be social! :3

6) Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Nope! I dont but some of my freinds do lol  They'll ask me if I want them to deal with it which they obviously shouldn't do! It does make me a bit upset since I dont even talk to them or do anything to them but oh well! What can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

7) When was the last time you cried?
Hmm... hmmm.... hmmmmmmm.....
I think it was on Friday and the reason was I was watching a sad movie ;-;

8) Is there a boy you would do absolutely everything for?
No I dont. While I do have a crush I dont bealive in young love so to me these are just a childish naive love and it's not worth it. ^^

9) Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have?
Yes :3

10) Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
They are very useless thoughts (_ _ )

11) Is your life anything like it was 2 years ago?
No, not at all. Two years ago were happy and nice! There were many troubles as there were good times and currently many things have changed and the same goes. There are good and bad things but I dont regret my choices and things happen for a reason I'm enjoying it even if there are the little troubles! Just keep moving forward!

12) have you ever cried over a boy?
lolol they arent worth tears! ;3

13) How do you look right now?
Let me go check!
*mirror breaks*

14) If you could change your eye color would you?
Nope! I'm happy with my dark brown color! ^^


Lets seeeeee... >.>








Some of you might've already been tagged but imma tag you anyway :3
You can do it if you'd like! ^^

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