The After Party.

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"Thank you for coming!" Brad said before shutting the door.

It's 1 a.m., and only Me, Melissa, Harry, Luke, Louis, Virginia, Niall, Brad, and Lacey were still there.

"So do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Louis asked all of us.

"I was thinking some spin the bottle." Luke said giving us a mischievous grin, and raising his eyes brows.

"I've got a bottle!" Harry said, scavenging through the trash bin.

We all formed a circle, and Harry placed the empty beer bottle in the center. "Who's first?" He asked.

"Me." We all looked over at Lacey, and I suddenly looked over at Niall, who is probably praying to The Lord that it lands on him. She gave the bottle a good spin, and it landed on Brad.

The room erupted with 'OHH'S' and 'Ooo'. She got up, and moved to where Brad was sitting. She kneeled next to him, and said "You don't think my boyfriend will get mad, will he?" She smiled and kissed Brad. No, more than a kiss, he was definitely enjoying it.

After that little kissing scene, Luke was next. He spun the bottle, and it landed on Lacey. They kissed, and it didn't last because Luke immediately pulled away.

I nodded to myself, and grabbed the bottle. Tonight is the night I will get my first kiss. I gave the bottle a nice spin, and it landed on Harry. I looked over at him, and his cheeks turned a rosy color.

I got up, and went over to him, and sat next to him. "Oh this is weird. I normally don't kiss my friends." He said shyly.

"You guys gunna kiss or what!" Melissa anxiously said.

I shrugged, and pressed my lips onto his. Even though the kiss only lasted 3 seconds, it felt like an eternity. His lips were smooth...idk what else

After our little kiss, he said, "damn, your a good kisser." I blushed, and walked back to were I was sitting.

Next was Louis, he spun the bottle, and it landed on Melissa. There eyes both grew, and they just stared at each other.

"So you guys gunna kiss or what!" I said, repeating what Melissa said to me.

They both stood up, I can tell Louis has been waiting for this moment, but not so much Melissa. They both kiss, but more like a peck. It didn't even seem like a peck. There wasn't even a moment. She just walked away from it.

Then it was Niall's turn to spin. I stood up, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Kenz, you can't just walk away, what if it's supposed to land on you?" Brad asked. I shrugged. "Well come on."

"UGH! This game is getting boring." I said walking back to the circle.

"After Niall goes." Bras said.

Niall spun the bottle. I held my breath until it stopped on Harry. No one could help but laugh.

"Come one now. KISS!" Louis said, pushing Niall.

"No! Not fair! Everyone kissed there opposite gender!"

"Niall, the bottle never lies. No go on, kiss."

Harry and Niall just looked at each other. "Erm." They leaned in closer, and kissed. We all laughed, I was dying of laughter. "Mate, we must never speak of this." Harry said.

"You think I want people knowing I kissed you? Yeah, no thanks."

"Game over." Brad said.

"But I never got a kiss!" Virginia said.

Before any one could make any move, Harry have Virginia a quick kiss. "Happy?" He asked.

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