Chapter 4 - Breakfast Is The Worst Meal Of The Day

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Hey guys Waifumaster here, I am so sorry! I really am! This chapter never needed to be late! It really didn't, but I was so concentrated on working on my new story that I didn't focus on this all those people who enjoy this... I really am sorry, so to fix this i'm going to be realeasing two chapters this week! That's right! Two for the price of one, but these won't be normal chapters... FAN SERVICE! FAN SERVICE FOR EVERYBODY! That's not the only thing new, I'll also be adding four new monster girls to the mix, four completely never before seen waifus as well! Yet I still feel bad for breaking my promise and not following my deadline

It's been one week since you looked at me- wait, I mean It's been one week since you've been taking care of these four girls... and let me tell you, it is not easy. You know how awkward it is to explain why there's a dragon outside in the parking lot screaming your name out to your boss? It also dosn't help that sometimes that those triplets come to visit you when they get lonely. You would spend all day in front of a fryer cooking food for the masses, only for you to come back home and find that you need to cook food for four monster girls... you've been stressed lately, you can't do this for so long, you're mind isn't in the right place either, all that smoke in the kitchen isn't good for you...

You : Well... I did it... I survived one week with them... it's been one hell of a ride, man I'm glad I woke up by my own accord instead of it being one of the girls... *shudders* well, guess I should start making some breakfast for them

You go downstairs and start cooking, over the past week you noticed how much easier it is to get closer to these monster girls then it is to get closer to human being, just last week Hanako would get angry at how you laughed at her engrish but now she just smiles, but then again, she smiles all the time when she's around you. You've also gotten closer to Haru, she was afraid of you, but now she always wants to be around you, it's adorable really, in a parent kind of way of course. However, you've noticed somebody has been acting wierd, and that's Louise, she's been very... touchy with you lately, she loves to be around you and whenever you lay on the couch to watch TV she always grabs you and she places you on her lap, with her boobs ontop of your head, it's wierd to be lifted off the ground like as if you weigh nothing but it's worth it when you feel those heavenly bodies ontop of your head, but they are heavy though.

You : " Girls! Breakfast is done! Come on down for some grub, you know my policy, dish it or miss it! " note to self, find another rhyme that works better.

Louise : " we're coming~ "

You : Let the games begin*sigh* they don't pay me enough to deal with this constant sexual harrassment, but then again I do enjoy it, why wouldn't I? I love bobs and vegene " Good morning girls, how did you all sleep? "

Haru : "Good morning  nii-chan! I slept good! I didn't even have a nightmare! "

You : " Heh, I'm glad Haru, Hanako-chan, Hanan, Louise, how are you all? "

Hanan : " Never Better! What are we doing to day captain! "

Hanako : " I'm fine, however I felt a bit lonely in bed~ "

Haru : " Nee-chan! If you wanted you could have just asked me! "

Hanako : " Oh, yes... of course "

You : nice defense Haru, prevented me from continuing her flirting

Louise : " Hello there my little snack, how were you last night?~ ... hmm? Y/N? Are you ok? "

She had hugged you and since you were sitting down you felt her tits on top of your head, you could feel it's weight and it's softness. This is something that you've noticed lately, here's some information for you. Louise's boobs, are FUCKING GOD LIKE! They are so soft, they are like the best pillows ever, even better then the purple pillow! Just touching them could melt your mind, of course you are no pervert, but how could you not like these boobs? You're not gay that's for sure!

The Cultural Exchange Program Volunteer( Male reader X Monster girl harem)Where stories live. Discover now