1. Introduction

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Before Marvin turned ten he had a normal life with a normal family. He went to a public school in Billings Montana, were he had good grades and a few friends. He had a younger brother, an older sister, and loving parents. He lived in the country, and practically lived in the outdoors he also loved to read. That is until the one horrible accident that changed his life forever.


"Marvin, hurry up we have to leave soon!" My mom yelled from down stairs, as I was getting dressed for our adventure to Illinois.

"I'll be down in a bit mom!" I yelled back, I hurried up and finished dressing, brushed my teeth and hair, then quickly ran down the stairs. I skipped the last step and ram into my dad.

"sorry, dad," little did I know that little thing would change my life forever...


we all were in the car on our way to Springfield Illinois, singing along to the radio.

I felt bad though cause dad was in really bad pain, I feel awful....

I was in the middle of singing Gold by: Imagine Dragons, When mom yelled "Paul look out!" that's when everything went black...

*****Author's Note*******

I hope you guys enjoyed the intro...

I'll try to update soon.


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