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But before the boy could reach the four brothers, Slender used his mental abilities to knock the boy out cause him to fall face first to the ground knife falling to the floor.

"Well that was exciting!!" Offender said bluntly as he picked up and fixed his fedora back on his bald pale head.

"Was it necessary to tell him that the children were dead brother?" Trender asked his brother as he walked forward to inspect the boy.

"For him to truly become insane... and for us manipulate him more easily. The boy needed to believe he lost the only thing he had to turn back to and keeping him sane." Slender explained as he made way over to tower of the boy's unconscious body, simple blankly staring down at him. Before turning his head back towards his brothers. "As you three saw Victor has already lost a majority of his sanity at a young age cause of his childhood."

Splendor stared at his brother questionly along with Trender and Offender, "That's awfully considerate of you Slendy..? You've never such interest in any of the other children. Why become so interested in this boy?" He asked looking at him with an non-existent eyebrow.

Silence felled the room as all three brothers stared at their youngest but more mature brother, as he returned to staring at the boy's unconscious face.

"Curiosity..." He said finally but than shakes his head slightly, not letting his mind get the best of him. Not noticing or rather caring how his brothers were looking at him with confusion and curiosity themselves. He grabbed the boy with his black tendrils. "But also that his skills will help us greatly. Come let's put our newest member of our family into his new room."



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Victor's POV

I woke up in a fairly large big in nothing but sweat pants while my chest was bandaged. I looked over towards the drawers and saw neatly folded on top of it.

Seeing a note on top of the folded clothes

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Seeing a note on top of the folded clothes. I reached out and grabbed it.

It read,


After your done getting dress. Come to the kitchen to meet the rest of the family. After I will explain why you are here.


As I read the letter my anger slowly rose before I finally crumbled up the paper and threw it across the room. Seeing as I'm somewhere with unknown creatures and murderers. I took off my ripped and dirty clothes and put on the new ones.

"Fucking bastards," I growled thinking of what had happened in the basement or cellar. Their gone.... my little family that I promised to look after is gone.


Looking in the mirror I saw that there was a mark carved into my skin. A circle around a "X".

"Bastards marked me?!" I growled under my breath before taking in a deep breath and stormed towards the door.

"Time to meet the family."

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