{Chapter 2: On our way . . . To A Detour}

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We have been driving and December's Row, Row, Row Your Boat was getting quite old. The only way I stayed sane was father perking us up with his famous stories; of him being famous.

Dad was self-centered and his fans hated that of him. Only person who loved it was my mom. They fell in love, them came me, then came December and here we are. He was telling the story when he met mom, my favorite story, when we crashed. 

Luckily, we knew on instinct to turn into bats and hide under the car seats. After a crash or two, it was dead quiet. We all looked out the back window . . . To see no back window. Just a huge hole. We turn to our left and see a van. But not any van. A tour van. A tour van for One Direction. We all gasped.

Dad turned back into a human, and when to go see what happened. When he came back, he came back with a smile. "It's okay, guys. Their brake broke, they swiveled to us, and crashed. They're happy we're alive." We all sighed. A total accident. Perfect. I thought. Wait. But if we crashed . . . 

I came to reality. "Wait! How are we going to go to California now?" Everyone's eyes widened. I guess they forgot also.

"Oh, right. Anna, what are we to do? We can't fly the whole way." We sat, stumped.

Then came One Direction. We each changed into our human selves. They each greeted us. There was: Niall, Harry, Louis,  Zayn, and Liam. Harry caught my eye the most and apparently, I caught his eye also.

Dad must have felt the tension, so he broke it. Not that I wanted it though.

"Okay! So, how may we help you?"

The guys smiled. Zayn came up and spoke. "Well, we feel bad about the car. We would like to take you to your destination." I gasped. I looked at Dad and gave him the "Puppy Voice" and puppy look. 

"Please, daddy? Please?"

He softened. He sighed, showing he gave up. "Alright. But no funny stuff, got it?" I rolled my eyes.

"Dad, you're coming along." He shook his head. "I'm sorry, Princess. Your mother, December, and I are going to fly. I mean, by plane." He pulled on his collar. My family walked away, turned the corner, and I saw 3 small black animals flying away. I sighed.

I turned around and smiled. They all smiled back. "Well," Harry said. "Shall we go?" I nodded, and walked up the stairs to the van, with One Direction at my heels.


After an hour of looking at the window and feeling awkward, I turned around. Before they looked away, all the boys were looking at me. Only one was still looking at me. Harry.

"Um, hello?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hi." He smiled, making me smile. His dimples were too much.

"So, your dad is the great George Thomas. What a great pleasure to have his child with us. Right guys?"

The others cheered, not too loudly, but loud. I giggled, which made them smile.

I yawned, looking at my bloodred watch. {See what I did there? ;D} "Oh, wow. It's 2:34. No wonder I'm so tired. Well, night guys." I got up, only to be pulled back down by my arm.

Ugh, my petite body! Need to eat more, which won't help. 

"Aw, where you going? Can we know our guest's name?" Liam asked.

I sighed. "My name is Ariel Princess Thomas. There. Now can I get to bed?" I asked, not really tired.

"Oh, well Ariel, how about watching this movie with us.  Unless . . . You're scared." Harry said, with a smirk.

"Oh, I can handle it. What's the movie?"

The boys smiled at eachother. "We're watching . . . The Cabin In The Woods!!"


After the first hour, I was scared out of my mind. "So . . . Many . . . Jumpscares!!" I cuddled up to Harry, not knowing it was him, thinking it was the couch. I found out when the "couch" moved. I look up to see Harry looking at me, smirking.

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