hickeys | loser's + henry

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- "hey babe? you fucked up."
- him being shocked for a good thirty seconds
- you finding it lowkey cute but you're still gonna chew him out
- "i-i'm so s-s-sorry"
- "it's okay billy. just watch it next time"

- "yeah boiiii"
- he's proud af of himself
- would 10/10 make an announcement during lunch about it
- "yes that is a hickey and yes i gave it to her"
- "omg richie shut the hell up"

- precious bean would be worried about your safety
- "holy shit y/n you're dying"
- you find it so funny
- "eds, you know what a hickey is right"
- he gets super flustered when he realizes he did that

- it's a normal occurrence with you two
- he's a freak and we all know it
- "looking hot y/n"
- "cram it perv"
- he doesn't brag but won't try to hide it either
- "i did that to her yeah"

- cries
- "i didn't mean to"
- "ben, i literally don't mind at all"
- he helps you cover it with concealer
- if it was cold he'd buy you a scarf
- "aw benny! you're too nice to me"

- lowkey proud on the inside
- acts pretty chill about it
- "does it hurt?"
- cannot stop looking at where it is
- asking him if he's turned on by it and winking
- "no way"
- liessss

- "oh fuck my dad"
- she'd be good at hiding it though
- she'd be proud of herself, but wouldn't be able to show it off to anyone
- "you have concealer right y/n"
- "obviously bev"
- she'd brag to the loser's but that's it

- when don't you have a hickey from him??
- "hey henry, hey y/n, nice hickey"
- "thanks patrick"
- you don't even try to cover it anymore
- only around your family because they'd get pissed
- henry counting the amount of times he's given you a hickey
- "that's the 100th one y/n we should throw a party"

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