The Ninja In The Shinigami World

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This fan fic is a mix from Naruto and bleach. Its about a ninja named Naruto Uzumaki accidentally winding up in Karukura town and meeting substitute soul reaper Ichigo Kurusaki.

This is set just before the war starts in Naruto's world and before Ichigo defeats Aizen in his world.


It was 1pm in the Hidden Leaf vilage and I had just finished treating my self to a bowl of raman after a good hard days work. I thanked the old man for the food and left with a smile across my face. He told me that it was no problem and that I could come back any time. As I left the ramen shop and heard a sound coming from above. As I looked up I saw a mysterious shadowy figure racing across the roof tops. Finding this behavior odd and suspicious I decided to chase the shadowy figure in the hopes that i would uncover the reason for this strange nature .

As I tailed him the same thought kept going through my mind "were is he going?" I tailed him for roughly 15 minutes until he finally came to a stop. Hiding from site I continued to monitor him. Wile I was tailing him I thought that there was something familiar about him but I couldn't quite put my finger on it but now that he had come to a stop I was finally able to figure out what I recognized about him. He was wearing an Anbu black ops uniform. But why is he hear? Another man leaped of a nearby building and landed opposite the Anbu black ops member. I was surprised to see that the person opposite him was Kakashi, although it did make sense since kakshi is a former Anbu black ops member. But what are they talking about? I couldn't get any close otherwise they would have spotted me. I wasn't able to hear what they were saying but I was able to hear one thing; Sasukes on the move... When I heard those words sweat dripped down my face, I was wondering whether or not I would be able to bring Sasuke back. I didn't believe that I had the strength necessary to bring him back. Since Sasuke is now targeting the Hidden leaf village I knew that I may be forced to kill him in order to stop him. But I wasn't about to give up on sasuke and I began to think of ways that I could bring him back home and back to thee way things used to be.

I took a stroll through the village to try to come up with ways that I could bring Sasuke back home. Wile I was doing this I stumbled upon a familiar sight, Rock Lee training with Guy sensei. Those two are all ways training never resting and they keep getting stronger. I wonder if they can help me? I began to stroll up the stony path way to talk with them. I interrupted them just as Bushy Brow sensei was giving Lee some advice on his technique. I asked him if he could help me train and to help me get out of the rut I was in. As I thought, he agreed to help me any way that he could. That's Guy sensei for you, all ways helping out a comrade. I asked him for some advice about how I could defeat Sasuke when the time came to it. He stated the fact that I was burdened with a lot of things by this village. Although it's true that I'm burdened with a lot of things I will gladly do them all if they will help my friends and my village. Guy sensei gave me a big smile and a thumbs up and in an energetic tone said "That's the spirit Naruto, if you keep acting like that you will be able to over come any obstacle that comes in your way." Grateful that Guy sensei had taken the time to lighten my mood i thanked him giving him a big cheesy smile. I thought that as long as I stay positive and have a thing to fight for I can over come anything.

I began my vigorous taijutsu training with Lee in order to increase my strength. We trained non stop for several hours until I was exhausted, after thanking Lee for the training I set out into the forest to do some running. Lee suggested that I rested first but I was too eager to strengthen myself. I ran through the jungle leaping from branch to branch. My speed steadily increased until I eventually got lost. I had ventured into a part of the forest that I had never been in before nor heard of anyone speak of it before. I thought that I knew every were around the Hidden Leaf village, I was curious as to were I had wondered to, so I began to search around for something familiar. Wile I was searching I came across a gigantic water fall which had created a nice deep pond. Since I came into the jungle straight after I was training with Lee I never had time to clean my self. Since I reeked of sweat I took of my clothes until all that were left were my polka dot boxers, since I didn't want to be caught naked, and took a dip into the pond. It was deeper than I thought it would be, a lot warmer too. As I finished bathing I saw a shimmering light on top of the dazzling pond. It began to go deeper in to the water and in curiosity I followed. As I dove down to the bottom of the pond I was surprised to what I saw. There was an underground cavern.

I assumed that it went Inside so I swam in to the cavern. As I got further into the cavern there was no sign of the light so I swam to the top to get some air before I drowned. I jetted up to the surface and took a big gasp of air, I looked around to look for a dry piece of land to rest on. As I looked to my right I saw a long sharp sword, dazzling with a golden glow hovering over a flat rock surface. I was speechless as I had no idea what it was. I made my way over to the piece of land and walked over to the sword. Carefully I got closer to the sword but as I got closer the sword seemed to get brighter and brighter. It was as if it was calling out to me, I kept hearing the words "Naruto... Naruto... come closer." At this point I was now stood beside the sword, it suddenly stopped glowing and it raised further up until it was eye level. I reached out and grabbed the sword, suddenly multiple raise of light burst out of the sword and it lit up the cavern. My grip stayed firm as I shielded my eyes from the blinding light but suddenly a portal opened and sucked both myself and the weapon in to it.

When I woke up I was in a strange town that I had never seen before and the strange weapon from before was missing as well. I was clue less as to where I was and began to panic. I could hear loud thumping noises coming from behind me. I slowly turned around to find a huge terrifying creature wearing a white mask towering above me. In fear I closed my eyes and ran away as quickly as I could, when I opened them up again I was hovering 50ft over a building. I had no idea as to how I got up here but I didn't have time to worry about that now, I looked down to see that the monster was no longer chasing and I gave I sigh of relief. However when I turned around it was all ready standing in front of me with a big smile on his face. I screamed as loud as I could and shouted for help but as soon as I finished my sentence I heard the slice of a sword. I thought that it was the end as I thought that it had been me that was cut however, as I finished my thought the creatures body started to slide in opposite directions and disappeared. As the creature vanished a teenage boy was standing there, he had orange hair, black clothes and was holding a large sword. "You called" Is what the Orange haired man said. I thanked him from the bottom of my heart for helping me. After I gave him my gratitude I asked him who he was and what that monster was that just attacked me. He looked confused and said that since I wasn't a hollow or a plus then I must be a soul reaper. However I had no idea as to what any of those things were and just stared at him with a blank expression. He gave a sigh and told me that he will explain every thing as soon as we got back to his house and so I could tell him how I don't know anything but yet I could still see both hollows and shinigami and I could walk in the air. After that he grabbed me and dashed of at an incredible speed.

Chapter 2: The explanation

Continue reading next time and see what will become of Naruto when he finds out the truth about what has happened to him.

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