chapter 8

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While looking for rebel the alarm went off and more guards caught with he hit one of the guards with the stick so another came up, evan dodged he's hit and kick him in the stomach the guard still standing so evan and the guard sword fight with sticks but evan deflected he's stick and hit him on the leg plus punch him in the face. now meanwhile with rebel got herself out of the cuffs and karate kick the first guy in the head and the other was ready for her too fight, but she won anyway by one move and she said......

Rebel:say hi to your girlfriend for me will ya.

The popular guard:I will get my revenge you geek.

Now they ran too each other and just out the blue rebel just kissed evan out of no where evan asked....

Evan:what was that for captain.

Rebel:it's not captain just rebel plus you where coming for me no boy like you that would save me.

Evan:good to know but I plant some whip cream bombs so we should like get out of here.

So they escaped then boom the bombs went of but while walking the girl we captured before shot rebel with unknown nerf gun and She was unconscious, so evan got angry and just but her to sleep, now rebel has twelve hours out of battle.

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