So where to start...
Maybe the purpose of the story..."Should I?" Is a compilation of stories where the main characters doubt themselves. It shows how living with doubts can lead to a regretful life. Doubts may lead to bad or good results, but it worth experiencing.
What next...
Why I am writing this...I usually have alot of ideas, but I'm inexperienced with writing. My goal is to type down my ideas with "Should I?" If I do this I can reflect on my writing, thru editing and criticism. I also don't mind criticism as long as it helpful. Saying something "bad" and not giving a reason is unhelpful criticism. Beat me up with helpful criticism.
Anything else...
How long could this last...I don't have a answer for that. Once I run out of ideas to write, I will press completed.
Last words...
Let's see...Have fun!