When Everything Changed

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Katie's POV

 It's been two weeks since Justin and I had come to this new school, and things haven't gotten any better for me. My health class is still as immature as the first day, Brittney has gotten more annoying and in my face, and Justin has gotten more protective over her and not me. The only good thing about this school is Jake. Him and I have gotten really close since the first day, and I've started to get these weird feelings in the pit of my stomach when ever he's around. I don't know what it is. Could it be the forbidden feeling of love that I have read so much about in my books? Nah, I've never been into a guy, and I don't think I ever will.

 I'm walking down the halls just minding my own business when someone runs into me and knocks me off balance! I start to fall, and I prepare for the impact, but it never comes. I open my eyes and see a very handsome young man. "Whoa there, don't want you to fall now do we?" he says with his hands wrapped tightly around my waist. Oh my glob!! He is so hot!! He reminds me of one of the guys from the Host Club. Tehe, I love that anime! XD

 "I...uh...um..." I stutter as he sets me back on my feet. He gives me a dazzling smile and for some reason my knees go weak. I must still be dizzy from the fall. I look up at him and he is staring at me. "Um..th-thanks for saving m-me back th-there." I can't believe my stutter is coming back! I haven't had that in years! His smile grows and I feel my cheeks heat up.

 "My name is William, but everyone calls me Will. It's nice to meet you.." He trails off, not knowing my name. "Uh, K-Katie. I-I'm..m-my name is Katie." Wow, could I be anymore of a fangirl right now? He grabs my hand and kisses it softly. "It's been a pleasure meeting you Katie." and with that he walks off. I'm standing there in utter shock, but I'm snapped back to reality by the bell ringing. "Oh shit! I'm ganna be late!" I sprint to my block class. I need to ask Jake about this guy.

 "You mean to tell me that you ran into William Lander!? He's the most popular guy in the whole school! Girls swoon over him like he's Channing Tatum!!" Oooh Channing Tatum...yummm. Hehe, fangirl moment. "Oh, and did I mention that he kissed my hand too?" I tell him. He grabs my wrists and pulls me toward the bathrooms. "What the hell are you doing?!"

 "You need to decontaminate that hand." he looks back at me, "Actually you better wash both, just to be on the safe side." I pull out of his grip. He turns back and nearly slams into me, I start to fall but, again, I'm caught before I hit the ground. Thank god it was Jake who caught me instead of Will. That would have been embarrassing! I grab onto his shoulders, you know to make sure I don't slip out of his grip. He pulls me up and I'm pushed up against his chest. He is actually very muscular. I look up at him and he's smiling like an idiot. 

 "What are you smiling at?" I ask still holding on for dear life. I really don't want to let go, I feel safe in his arms. I feel his chest rumble as he starts to laugh. I pull away slightly so I could fully see his face. "What's so funny?" He has tears streaming down his cheeks.

 "Oh...nothing...it's just....that was like...something out of.....a movie!" He says between fights of laughter. I let go of him and start to walk back to our table when someone grabs my arm. I start to turn around but instead I'm pulled into the theater, which is currently empty. 

 I'm pushed up against the wall and I start to freak out. I was about to scream when I hear a familiar sound. It's Jake's laugh. I turn to my capture and see that it IS Jake. "Oh my glob! You scared me to death!! I thought I was ganna get raped or something!" I yell at him slapping his arm. He pulls me into a hug, "I would never let anyone do that to you." he whispers to me. I feel a shiver run down my back and I get that strange feeling in my gut again. I should probably see a doctor about that. Preferably one in a blue box. Tehe, Doctor Who reference. XD

  After that strange interaction in the theater, we headed back to class, and acted like nothing happened. I, however, couldn't shake that feeling. That feeling of rightness, and safety I felt in his arms, and the way his whisper made me shutter. I laid wake that night thinking about how all my romance novels made love feel like. It was either a sudden rush, or a slow and wonderful process. I wonder how I'll fall in love?


Hey peoples!! How did y'all like this chapter? Sorry I didn't update over the weekend, I was all booked up. I will probably only update during the week, except tomorrow I've got a thing I have to do.

Anyway, I have introduced our second team!!

TEAM WILL!!! Yay, woohoo! Way to go second ship team! Yaaay!!

I'm so lonely....... :(

But that's it for today guys, I'll try to update tomorrow but no promises.

Bye my peoples <3 -alfawolf

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2014 ⏰

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