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We ride through downtown with people screaming our names and the lanes were cleared for the wedding that never finished. I was out doing the press in speed but they were still right on our tail.

I keep going straight on main street until I see my little brother Soren waving at me and pointing left.

I make a quick turn while he walks across the street in an attempt to slow down the paparazzi and police. Once turning left I hear the roar of another engine and see someone drift into the street and pulling up beside us.

I could tell by the car it was Pierce in his custom red convertible corvette.

"Shawn, at the stop light we switch!" He yells and I look over for a brief second to see he had our little sister Ava in the back seat and both were wearing identical outfits to Luna and I. I give a slight nod and stop, putting up the kickstand as we switch. I hop in and Luna trades places with Ava.

Piece gives a thumbs up and turns around back towards the crowd while I shift into high gear and drive. Luna's hair flies in the wind and she puts her hands up in the air, playing with the wind.

"I'm in love with Shawn Grayson and today we're running away, with no one to stop us!" She yells and I laugh while we drive on the outskirts of the island. The roar of the V8 echoes through the highway, with the rocky cliff on our right and the beautiful ocean on our left.

"I'm running away with my best friend!" I yell back and she reaches over, wrapping her arm around my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

"Oh, there's a note," She reaches over and grabs the small note duct taped to the windshield.

"Drive until you hit the bridge." She says and I go faster.

Jonathan and Linda meet me at the park beside the Charles Grayson Memorial Bridge. I quickly park and hop out as Jonathan hands me another set of keys for his old school Shelby GT550. AJ runs up and hugs me. "Good luck Uncle Shawnie!" He steps back and waves with an adorable smile as Linda scoops him up and brings him to the corvette.

"I want it in one piece got it?" Jonathan warns and I nod. He ruffles my hair and gives me a shove,

"Alright, get going before they catch up to you again. Peter's watching from the skies." Jonathan says as he hops in and we drive away at the same time.

"Shawn," Luna says my name with a serious tone that grabs my attention. "I need you to answer me honestly." She says next as we make out way across the bridge.

Two motorcycles pull up behind us. I look in the mirror to see Luke and Enrique making sure there was space between us and any cars behind us.

"Of course." I reply, we had about ten minutes left until we hit the airport.

"Can you handle being the King of Bridgeport?" She asks and I take in a deep breath.

I didn't know it then, but my answer changed the course of my life forever. Or maybe it was destined to be this way. It was predetermined in the stars that Leilani and I would be together.
But the with the way I grew up.
A middle child that was always forgotten and stepped over.

I never imagined I would become the King of an entire nation.


My Lonley Eli, My Beautiful Luna *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now