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  • Dedicated to @wholocked_my_tardis

***Three months later***

Livia POV

I grunted as I heaved myself onto the roof of Winterfell.  I had always loved to climb, and it was a useful skill to have when I had been hiding in the woods. I wiped the sweat off of my brow and walked over to the edge of the wall lining the flat roof. Rolling, green hills and trees stretched as far as the eye could see, enthralling me with their simple beauty. I heard a voice behind me give an excited gasp, and would have drawn the knife I kept with me at all times had I not regocnized that the voice belonged to Bran, who loved to climb as much as I did. "You'd better go to the courtyard," said Bran, his excitement tinged with worry, "the King's party is here!"

I swiftly followed Bran down the walls to the courtyard and rushed to take my place behind the trueborn Starks, next to Jon.  Rickon had wanted me and Jon to be at the front with the rest of them, but Catelyn said that, as Jon was a bastard, it would not be proper to present him as a Stark, and Arya added that I was a Targaryen, and that the king would likely recognize me and that it would put myr life in danger. Rickon was not satisfied with his mother's comment, but shut up quickly when Arya made her case. I could see Rickon's eyes looking at me and Jon sadly as they lined up, wanting us to be beside him.

All of the Starks (except for Catelyn and Sansa) had taken to me quickly, especially Jon, Arya, Bran  and Robb.  Rickon took a little bit longer to warm up to me, but after he did, he joined Bran and Arya in their constant quest for stories about battles and tourneys. And although I looked about Jon's age, I was actually three years older than Robb, but even so, I got along with the two oldest Stark men quite well and often hunted with them (and usually had the most kills, much to Robb's chargain). And every morning, I would wake up to  Jon's and my secret knock, and we would spar together for hours, sweating and laughing and enjoying one another's company exceedingly. Even Catelyn noticed how close I was becoming with Jon, and that was really something, as she tried to ignore my presence as much as she could.

I was brought back from inside of my head by Jon lightly nudging me. I looked up to see that the king had arrived. It was all I could do to control the fear that roiled in mybelly and hope I would not be noticed. Jon reached down and took my hand, sensing the waves of nervousness that rolled off of my body. I looked up at him and gave him a grateful smile, willing to do anything to shake off the fear that I had pushed back ever since my sixth nameday.

I stood, frozen, as King Robert Baratheon made his way down the line of Starks. He stopped suddenly, just in front of where I, wearing a cloak the color of my eyes (with the hood up) over a nicer version of my usual outfit, stood behind Sansa and Arya. "Who's that beauty you're hiding away under that cloak?" asked Robert with a chuckle, and I started when I realized that he meant me. "Step forward, girl. And take off that hood of yours. I don't bite!" said the King with a grin. I reluctantly disentangled my hand from Jon's and stepped forward and removed my hood as the King had commanded. 

The King and his son, Jofferey, stared at me for a minute, and I grew quite uncomfortable. "Probably not used to seeing a girl in breeches rather than a dress," I reflected. Finally, it was Robert who finally spoke. "I'm sorry for staring, my lady. Your eyes tend to draw people's gazes, do they not?" So it wasn't the breeches? "Pray, tell me your name."

"I am Livia, Your Grace."

"How old are you?"

"Nineteen, Your Grace."

"Do you have a family name? A nickname, perhaps?"

"I have one of each, but that information is for me to keep to myself, Your Grace."

"Shy, is she? But fiesty, too," countered the King with a chuckle, "we'll see how you are after some wine at the banquet tonight. You can return to your place, if you wish." 

I sighed in relief and quickly found my place again next to Jon, who swiftly took my hand in his once more.

***That Night***

I scarfed a sandiwch in the kitchen and raced to meet Jon in the armory before the banquet started. The King and many other male members of his party had wanted me to be there, but I answered them all by saying that I would love to come (a complete lie), but I promised Jon that I would practice with him (very true). I found him in the armory, early as usual, polishing his blade. But when he heard me, he did not toss me the new practice blade that Ned had somehow gotten made for me, instead, he grabbed my hand again and led me to the heart tree in the middle of the godswood.

Jon sat on a log by the river that ran in front of the tree, and pulled me down with him."What are we doing here, Jon?" I asked, confused as to how this practice would go. Jon took in a deep breath. "I never intended to practice with you tonight," he explained, "I want to hear your story. All of it. Every emotion you have kept hidden for the past thirteen years."

I stared at him for a second. Then, hesitantly began to explain my story. Never quite managing to please my mother. Losing my family and my childhood, all in one fateful nameday. Living in the woods, constantly on gaurd. Never getting a full night of sleep. The knife I still carried with me out of habit. All of those men who had tried (and failed) to rape me. (I particualrly enjoyed explaining how I had kicked one of them in the balls so hard that one of them actually came off, and how he chuckled good-naturedly before setting off. Jon laughed so hard at that one he cried a bit.) Taking on a new sigil, because I believed that my family was dead, gone.

When I had finished, I looked up at Jon. I saw tears forming in his eyes and coursing down his face. I felt wetness on my face and realized that for the first time since I was a babe, I was crying. My tears turned to sobs that racked my body, and Jon slid his arm around me and held me close as we cried together.

We fell asleep like that, holding onto one another, but not before Jon whispered "I love you" in my ear, and I responded in kind.

A/N: MY FEELLSSSS!!!! Jon and Livia are now official. YAY YAY YAY! And their shipname is Snowblood (thanks @wholocked_my_tardis)!

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