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I heard yelling downstairs. I climbed down the tree very swiftly and sneakily. I saw mum Mark and my dad yelling at each other. Obviously I had no intention to eavesdrop but- who am I kidding I am so flipping nosey.

"David I can believe you won't tell Anna!"

"I just cant!"

"Mhm are you sure she isn't going to scare you?"

"Lena stop I love Anna and I will tell her just not yet okay?"

"Okay but you have a week before I tell her myself."


"I don't care about you now go to your hotel you worthless piece of shit." I heard the front door slam shut. he went to his car and drove away fast. My mum started for the stairs. I climbed back up, I got to the small window. Shit, shit, shit, ah ha it opened.

"Anna hun."I jumped in bed 'reading' my book.

"Come in."

"Hey so are you still mad at your father?"

"Not anymore just curious."

"About what?"

"What happened that made him slam the front door."

"Oh... what did you hear?"

"Only you have a week to tell her I am guessing I am her."

she sighed I could tell she was kinda pissed still."Yup."

"So what about me? That you know has to be said in a week."I asked sitting up.

"Your father has to tell you."she patted my back and left. I sighed and fell backwards onto the comfortable bed with The Beatles blanket and four big fluffy pillows.

I felt tired but not at the same time. I turned on a movie. Footloose my favourite by far. I drifted off.


Exam week. Fuck fuck fuck I never studied. Way to screw yourself Anna. I walked to my locker and slowly headed to Miss Smith's class. She already pasted out the test. Nine flippin pages four is vocab matching. GAH life! Harry poked my back.

"Hey where were you yesterday?"he whispered.

"Hangin with my dad. Okay arguing."

"Don't you see him everyday."

"No. He left me and my mum 8 years ago. I saw him for the first time in forever and he lies and kept a secret from me."

"What is the secret?"

"I don't know that's what makes me so fucking pissed."

"Anna please don't be mad but-"he showed me his arms. Two slices on his arms and many bruises.

"Harry Styles! What the hell!"I yelled in the middle of class.

"Anna! Detention I am sick of your language."

"Miss Smith I dont give a two shit about detention!"I grabbed my stuff and started towards the door.

"Miss Johnson do you have something to share?"

"Two things,"I sighed and death glared at Harry." one my dad is a horrible person and two Harry- you know what bye."I went out the door and looked at my arms. Past is the past I dont need to think of others doing that, especially Styles. I know I just met him but that just made me lose it. I can't explain the anger that erupted out of me. All the bruises and scars and two fresh cuts. I was done I lost it. What happened to that lost, happy, funny, cute, curly haired, dimple showing, piercing green eye, puppy-boy?

Am I falling for him? I think I am. The thought made me nauseous- I shouldn't fall in love with my best guy friend awkward much? But I never said I couldn't.

I Anna like Harry Styles and I am keeping that to myself because Stacy and Deandra suck with secrets and make fun of me already. Then Gabe is kinda like- ok he scares me with his obviousness.

Wow... I like Harry.

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