The Open Challenge.

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HERE WE ARE! Well not really it's just a pre show.

Anyway, let's start this with an open challenge.


(I Am Perfection by Jim Johnston (Feat. Cage 9) starts playing)

Out comes RCCW's Flash Sentry, and Mike Tenay begins to speak.

Mike Tenay: Welcome everybody to the Rise Of The Orient Pre Show! I'm Mike Tenay, and alongside me, is Tom Phillips. Man I heard episode 20 was amazing!

Tom: It sure was! We saw the formation of The Unrighteous, the debut of Ace Marxman, and now, here's Flash Sentry!

Mike Tenay: And it seems he has something to say!

Flash grabbed a mic.

Flash: For you ignorant LWF Fans, I am Flash Sentry,or  Mr. Steal Your Waifu, and lately, I have never been mentioned. Like, at all! So with that being said, bring out the best wrestler you could find back there, so that I can embarrass him, and make a name for myself.

Mike Tenay: Wow.

Tom: He sounds confident!

Mike Tenay: Who will answer the call?

Mike Tenay: OH MY!!!!!

Tom: Flash wanted the best, he got the best!

And out comes Billy Suede!

Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Vancouver, B.C, Canada, weighing in at 167 pounds, he is The Beautiful One, "Beautiful" BILLY SUEDE!!!!!!!!

Mike Tenay: You're right, Tom! He got the best! But my GOD! It's The Beautiful One, "Beautiful" Billy Suede!

Tom: A former ECCW Heavyweight Champion, ECCW Tag Team Champion, a former ECCW Pacific Cup Tournament winner, former N.W.A Canadian Junior Heavyweight Champion, AND Former PWR Champion! Man Billy Suede seems like he's done it all!

Mike Tenay: Kicking ass, from the upper-class, is what Suede does best!

Billy Suede enters the ring, and Flash walks right up to him.

Tom: Oh boy!

Mike Tenay: Flash REALLY wants to make a first impression!

The ref tries to separate them, but then Flash slaps Billy Suede across his face, and walks to his corner.

Tom: Uh oh!

Mike Tenay: Not a smart choice.

LWF LIVE: RISE OF THE ORIENT (Pre-Show)Where stories live. Discover now