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Before you start, I just have to get this out of the way: I do not own Assassination Classroom, only the characters I create like Kira. Also, I'm following the storyline of the dubbed version of AC.
Hope you enjoy!!!
P.S. The video above is a AMV I made of Karma.

Kira Hitogoroshi clasped the leather hilt of her dagger in her right hand, blood steadily dripping from the tip of the blade and into the puddle of crimson that had already formed around her victim. The light of the permanent crescent moon was shining through a nearby window, a cold breeze causing the white curtains to flutter lightly in the air.

The assassin lifted up her dagger and slowly wiped both sides of the blade clean using the red sleeve of her jumpsuit. Sheathing the weapon  in her leg holster, she took out the picture she had folded up in her pocket, along with her encrypted phone she used to call her higher-ups.

She scrolled though her contacts,  pressing the call button when she found the number she was looking for. While she waited for an answer, she held the phone against her ear using her shoulder as she unfolded the picture. The wrinkled picture showed a man in his late forties, visible through his greying black hair and beard, along with wrinkles seen around his eyes and mouth. He showed no emotion as he stared blankly at the lens of the camera that had taken the photograph, which had captured the malice in his cold, brown eyes.

Fitting for scum like him,’ Kira thought bitterly as she turned her gaze from the photo to the corpse that laid at her feet. A man who brought so much suffering to young women deserved a fate as cruel as this. He abducted unwitting girls that volunteered at his laboratory to sell them as slaves on the black market, and everyone seemed to turn a blind eye to the occurrence. He got what he deserved, there was no doubt in Kira's mind.

The ringing that sounded through the phone came to a stop, a sign that someone had picked up and a signal that she should speak. Kira turned her attention away from the man and took the phone in her hand once again.

“Target 237, Professor Higashi, eliminated,” Kira informed, letting the photo flutter to the ground next to her victim. She ran her gloved hand through her silver locks and turned her back on the murder scene, walking a few paces forward, her red boots clicking against the wooden floorboards.

“Mission accomplished. Return to base, Scarlet,” a deep male voice ordered on the other end of the line, sounding as professional and strict as always.

“Understood, sir.”

Kira hung up the phone and placed it in the deep pocket of her red jumpsuit, biting down on her lower lip as she took out her dagger, turning to face the dead man once more. She walked over and crouched down next to the body, bringing the point of the dagger down to the wooden floor next to him. She closed her eyes into slits and pressed her lips into a thin line as she started to carve her symbol into the wood: four X’s crossing over each other to form an “S”.

A gleam appeared in her eyes as she looked over her work: the scene of a cruel man laying in the pool of his own blood with his crimson stained picture next to his head, famous young assassin’s mark carved into the wood next to it all. This is how she usually left a scene, her gloved hands and special training leaving no trace of her being there except for her symbol.

Everyone knew her by her code name: Scarlet. No one ever saw her unless she wanted it and no one lived to tell the tale of the assassin when she was sent to kill them. She was the youngest professional assassin in her agency and even some of the older agents couldn’t live up to her status. You wanted a job done...you called her.

Tell me, how you’re sleeping easy, how you’re only thinking of yourself,” she began to sing softly, skilfully twirling the blade between her fingers and using her free hand to wipe away a few strands of hair that hung in front of her eyes. “Tell me, how you justify telling all your lies like second nature.” She stood up from where she was still crouched down next to her victim, the heels of her shoes clicking on the wooden floor as she walked towards the open window. “Listen, mark my words, one day
you will pay, you will pay.” Her singing filled the air as she stepped onto the windowsill, her hair whipping back as the cold air hit her face. “Karma's gonna come collect your debt.” With her last melody hanging in the air, she jumped down from the window that was located on the second floor, softly landing on her feet and disappearing into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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