Chapter 12

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Taehyung looked out the window and saw students gathered around blinking lights next to the school entrance. A boy, pale and with no emotions, laid on a thin bed, draped in white from head to toe. His arm hanged from the bed and it swung as it was being loaded into a van. Students cried in horror while others covered their mouths and sobbed while mumbling. Taehyung could hear their whispers, cries, and screams infiltrate his head making him sob and choke in wet drips filled with sadness. He looked around then spotted a certain raven male pushing teachers, students and nurses out of the way. His breathing was sharp and deep as he held the thin blanket between his elongated fingers. Taking a deep breath once more, he pulled it down and froze.

There he was, glistening like white feathers his skin, lips red in flush but purple in pale twilight, and stuck in memories of the unwelcoming past. Taehyung's lips quivered as he looked out the glass that perturbed his freedom.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled and at the end, tears of grief and lament fell, soaking his cheeks and wetting his lips. "Jungkook!" He yelled again but the raven male just stood in anger as he stared at the ambulance that headed it's way to the hospital.

Jungkook's hand clenched into tight fists as he looked around for the culprit, the cause of it all. Then it came to police car blinking it's red and blue at him. Jungkook walked up to the vehicle, and Taehyung stared at the male. Their eyes locked, or so Taehyung thought. The raven male glared at his reflection in the car's window. His eyes filled with anger and hatred. Taehyung trembled uncontrollably inside the car and his breath hitched when he heard a click. The door opened and in a swift second, Jungkook held the brunette up by his collar. Not having the chance to clean up, he looked like a mess, a freak to everyone. His head hung low and quiet whimpers along with sobs came from the fragile man that was wrongly being accused and blamed.

"Tae... did you do it?" Jungkook's voice broke as tears of sorrow fell from the crecents of his eyes.

"I-I don't know..." he cried back and Jungkook's grip tightened on the brunette's shirt.

"For God's sake just tell me!!" Jungkook yelled impatiently and with irascible anger. Students began to riot in the back as they yelled at Taehyung and judged him. Taehyung didn't speak as he sobbed and poured in front of the desperate male. He wanted to speak, he wanted to yell, he wanted to scream but he couldn't, his mouth couldn't move, he felt like a coward. He was scared and in shock. He saw his best friend  die right in front of him and he couldn't do nothing.

Taehyung weeped and cried till fists were being thrown towards him. One landed in his eye, two landed on the bridge of his nose and three landed on his lip. Through his bloody vision, he could see an angry yet saddened Jungkook glaring while throwing hits at his direction. Taehyung couldn't feel anything as his limp body hit the floor but he could see. He could see the students' eyes on him, glares piercing holes into his body like well defined poisoned needles. And when Taehyung finally opened his mouth to speak, all he said was...

'I pushed him...'

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