Finding Neverland (Down the Rabbit hole)

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Three women sit on a bench atop a hill, one on the end rocking a cradle with a sleeping baby inside. She let's go and joins in the conversation. "Oh I do believe he will look just like his father" one of the ladies says. All of a sudden a huge gust of wind blows and the cradle begins to roll away. The women however do not notice and soon the young boy is lost.



As I fly over the trees and in and out of clouds I hear a faint noise. A noise that can only be described as total sadness. Flying down I see a little baby boy laying in a field all alone. He is crying which is natural for a wee one his age but I really wish he would stop. Wiping his tears I accidentally sneeze and get fairy dust all over him. "Oh dear, I am so terribly sorry" I squeak and try and dust it off. That's the first time I hear something other than his crying as he lets out a small giggle. "I'm gonna keep you" I whisper then pick him up. "Second star to the right and straight on till morning" I shout with glee as we shoot off to neverland.

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