Chapter 5: Revenge of Zen-Aku

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Chapter 5: Revenge of Zen Aku.


Okay in this episode the others will find out who Carly is. Carly will also tell them about her past.

*Polar bear ranger*

I am at the Anamariam. I sit down and take out my flute. I had found it in my old bedroom.

Putting my fingers to it I begin to play the song that my mother and I sang for the deer zord. Merrick would always play his flute. We all loved that song. I also miss the dear more than ever.

Then there is Merrick. I always thought of him as my dad. Neither him or my mother would tell me if he is though. But why else would he take me under his wing.

Even the other ancient warriors all watched me grow up. But Merrick and I have a special connection.

talking to my mother. Over the last few weeks I had opened up to her once again. Right now she is trying to convince me that I need to tell my friends.

"This is the best thing for you to do," she informs me and I sigh. "They should know."

"I will but I am waiting for the right time," I inform her.

"When will there ever be a right time Carly?" She asks me.

"I don't know," I tell her. "But I know that it is not now."

Before she can reply the pool alerts us to a new org. The others come racing over and we all walk towards the pool.

"Zen Aku," mum informs us.

I sigh as we all know that our battles with him never end well. Especially since he now has both the elephant and giraffe zords.

He also seems to have a personal vendetta against me. I do not know why though.

I am on the back of Cole's savage cycle. We ride to where Zen Aku is. He has Toxica in his grip.

"What are they doing here?" I hear Zen Aku ask himself quietly.

He releases Toxica who grunts before speaking to us. "Bad timing rangers!!"

She then disappears in a flash.

We get off the bikes and face Zen Aku.

"Zen-Aku," Cole says as we all line up. "We're here for our wild zords."

"Give them to us now!!" I snap at him.

"They belong to me now!!" Zen-Aku informs us and I glare at him. "DARK WILD ZORDS ARISE!!"

His three zords, which were once my friends appear. It hurts to see them this way. How can Zen-Aku do this to them? Why would he do this?

"DARK WILD ZORDS COMBINE!!" Zen-Aku says playing his flute.

The zords combine into the predazord.

The others pull out there sabres. "WILD ZORDS DESCEND!!"

There zords appears and Cole says. "WILD ZORDS COMBINE!!"

They combine into the wild force megazord.

I watch as Zen-Aku uses the elephant zord against them. Then he calls the giraffe zord. Alyssa and Max are both getting really upset.

The giraffe zord combines with the Predazord. I watch from the ground not knowing what I can do right now. He uses the giraffe and a few seconds later my friends fall to the ground unmorphed as the megazord splits apart.

I run over to them as Zen-Aku aims the spear at us. I worry that my shield will not block something so big.

"Good-bye power rangers!!" Zen-Aku says from inside his megazord.

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