Chapter 1

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Working at this office is like a damn class reunion. Every day I see people I went to school with. It gets aggravating when I go copy some papers and people stop me hugging me and shit like we were ever best friends. Let me introduce myself. My name is Shaquinna Heights; I'm 27 years old and have been working at this office for three years now. I have mocha colored skin, hair girls in my hood wish they had (no I don't wear weave), I have a nice ass, c cup titties, and I'm a very smart and independent woman. Right now I'm dating one of the flyest dudes in the hood (Mike) and he's really too much to deal with. But anyway today was a Friday and I was finishing up all of my work. I've been here since 8:00am this morning. All of the other lawyers in their offices were gone so I had to lock up. After locking up my file drawers there was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I said. When the door opened there was a sexy dude walking in. I mean Mike was hot, I was sexy but damn this dude was off the charts sexy. He has hazel eyes, nice light brown skin, his lips was juicy, and he was blingin' he had a diamond earring and a chain around his neck. He was wearing a wife beater so I saw his abs, sagging his jeans, and he had fresh forces. And I could not forget his hair could you say waves on swim!

"Hi, um....are you a lawyer?" he asked

No I just like siting at my bosses desk I said in my head. "Yes what can I do for ya?"

"I was wondering if you could help me out, I need a lawyer" duh!

"Sure...Can I ask what for?" like I didn't know, out of all our clients most of them are black and they are here for the same things. They had Possession of illegal Drugs or of an unregistered weapon or maybe child support not being mailed to them.

"Well the cops locked me up in my own neighborhood for no reason"

"Mmmhmm" I said

"Look Mrs.-"

"Oh how rude of me hello my name is Shaquinna heights "I said shaking his hand

"I'm Tyshon Johnson but anyway ma, I need help. They locked me up 'cause I was in an all-white neighborhood and they said I looked suspicious"

"Where do you live?

"I live right on Hollywood ave"

"Well I will get that but-"my phone interrupted me "excuse me for a moment" I said "hello"

"Hey ma"

"Hi babe what's up?"

"Listen I ain't gonna be able to make dinna' aiight?"

"What the fuck is that s'posed to mean?!" I screamed. I looked a Tyshon and could tell he was all in my mouth.

"I got business to handle"

"Business? Nigga you been ditchin' me all fuckin' week, only time I see you is when you want some fuckin pussy! You know what nigga we over okay? I hope you fucking hear me. Were through! Don't call me no more, don't send any flowers and shit, don't even come over to my house. I'm changing the fucking locks and everything and if you come over to my house, your gonna have a bullet in your ass you hear me?" I whispered.

"Babe you over reactin'"

"Like hell I am, nigga don't call my fucking phone again" I hung the phone up

"You aiight ma?" Tyshon asked

"I'm fine, how about we meet tomorrow morning at 9:00?"

"That's cool"

"When is your court date?"

"Next week"

"Okay so were gonna have to work day and night"

"That's cool with me"

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow"

"Aiight" He walked over to the door then turned around. "look I aint tryna get in your business or anything but are you doin' anything tonight"

"that sounds like you are getting in my business but nah I aint doin' anything"

"Well how about going to Fridays with me?"

"Sorry I don't associate with my clients"

"It's just dinner, my treat?" Ithought about it. I had nothing else to do.

"Fine. Let me lock up and I'll meet you downstairs" I sighed


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