CLS (couragous little snake)

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As I'm slithering around in the blazing hot desert a sandstorm starts to build, I can't breathe because of all the dust and sand I can't even see what's in front of me. As I try to breathe I start choking, I'm trying to breathe in fresh air but there is none. There's no shade to relieve my sensitive skin of the sun, no water for me to cool down in and no food to fill me and give me strength.

There are others scattered all around me on the desert floor trying to escape the heat. They could kill me in an instant if they wanted to because of my small size but they won't because I am very dangerous, my bite could kill in a second.

Suddenly the others all freeze, not moving, not even daring to breathe.

Slowly making its way up a dead tree is the most feared one of us. He is known as Bob.

As soon as I see Bob I know what I have to do, so I coil up as tightly as I can and strike him right by his most vulnerable spot, and BAM!! he's dead. I slowly start slithering towards Bob, when I get there I start eating. As the others see what I'm doing they start to inch their way closer and join the feast. It will last for a few months maybe more so we'll have enough to eat for a long long time to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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