Chapter 2

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“Hello can you help me? I am new in town and I'd like to buy that necklace for my friend over there.” I pointed to Mallory.

“Yes as a matter of fact I would love to. How much money do you have on you?” said the sales lady.

“Only 500.” I say.

“How about 450?” she finally says.

“No deal, too much money. How about 300?” I say.

“No way, too low of a price. 350 will benefit both parties.”

“No sale today, we are leaving. Goodbye.” I respond and start walking away.

“Wait come back. How about 325? Take it or leave it.” she finally says.

Turning around hiding a grin I say, “Ok sounds good, it’s a deal.”


Handing the woman her money I took the necklace and walked over to Mallory.

"So I got the necklace for you..... At only 325 dollars. Better that your 1200 right?" I grin mischievously.

"Omigosh Emery how did you do that?" She asked in disbelief.

"Oh it wasn't that hard you just have to practice." I smile at her, "Now I’m thirsty lets go get something to drink."

"Well it is getting late but I know of this bar I have seen. Do you wanna go check it out?"

"A bar? Aight if you ok with that than hell yeah babe." This is gonna be fun....

"Just follow me."

His Infatuation: Book One of The Constant Struggle TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now