Birds go flying at the speed of sound *fin*

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Birds of every differnt colour, size and breed gathered around a lagoon of shimmering blue water that reflected diamonds whenever the golden sunlight hit it at the right angle. Lush, healthy green plants surrounded the lagoon that bloomed sweetly smelling flowers buzzing with bumblebees. Dark green bushes grew, housing delicate ripe, mulberries.

The birds surrounding the body of water blended in together like an endless rainbow that rippled from a bird ruffiling its colourful feathers or moving about.

In the lagoon was every bird and colour you could think of: Cranes, Magpies, Lorrikets, Ravens, Touhcans, Eagles, Falcons, Hummingbirds, Sparrows and Flamingos with their bright pink feathers. Hues of the rainbow were seen too: Blood, the deep ocean, pirate treasure, the night sky, roses, lavenders, freshly cut grass, the sunset sky and falling snow. Name a colour and it was there.

All the birds mingled and mixed: A few Hummingbirds were lightly skimming the surface of the lagoon before pulling upwards and nose diving then circling around the Flamingos tall skinny legs with excited chirps, a budgie and cockatoo were exchanging human like Hellos before laughing in their own ways. The Ravens were perched high above the world in the tall oaks boardering their sanctuary kepping a watchful beady-eyed lookout before cawing with satisfaction then going off to mingle. Magpies and Kookaburras chatted loudly without a care in the world often pausing their chatter at times to nip playfully at the little Willywagg tails that zoomed past in a blur of bark and snowy colours. Crane's bent their long thin necks to gulp down water as woodpeckers hammered away at the trees near by. Bold little birdies even dare to race the Albatross.

Even the owl's were up for this rare occasion between all birds with their wise, old eyes fully alert. Butterfly's floated pass the chattering flyers, stopping to rest on mulberry bush branches that Sparrows and Starlings plucked the sweet berries from. Scarlet Macaw's and their mates stay close to each other as they flew and played. The annual meet up was in full swing as always, every bird was savouring the time they could spend with other birds in harmony and friendship.

As the Ravens kept a solemn gaze over the inhabitants of their secret haven a sudden low whistling washed over the place and in an instant all the birds went quiet, even the bees stopped their joyful buzzing as they knew the end was near.

Two louder whistles followed a few heartbeats later, echoing around the forest and the rainbow of birds rippled and parted like a wave as the flyers took one last gulp of clean water, swallowed a few more berries, finished their playing and gave murmured farewells then with a tremendous gust of air the birds left the forest surrounded lagoon, their squawks, caws and cries climbing over each other until it sounded like one bird's own voice carrying across the wind.

The animals parted ways now as enemies back to their respected homes until the next time.


I was in a writing mood so I asked my sister to give me a topic: 'Birds with Capes' then I came up with this...

Also since I'm using my phone, spell check and internet have not been used but

I did go over the story to fix any errors, point any out if you see them please. When I get my hands on a working PC I will fix everything.

Enjoy~ c:

[Most likely will get edited and expanded in the future]

Birds go flying at the speed of soundWhere stories live. Discover now