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【Teach me】

"Hello everyone, I'm your new English teacher. My name is Park Jae-Hwa, you can call me Jae, or Miss Park." The plump, and finely tanned girl said from the large oak desk at the front of the classroom.

"No way, you're like twelve." One boy called from the back.

"Actually, I turn eighteen next week, Mr. Song." She said with a light sigh.

"Hey, we have the same birthday!" Another student called out from the extreme back.

"That's very nice to know. But as I was saying, I'm the new English teacher, and since most of you are older than me... Please take good care of me." She said bowing formally, though her nice jeans and chiffon shirt lacked the type of... spiffiness that her colleagues had.

But she was by far the best English teacher that ADM ever had.

No doubt about that.


"Class dismissed, I'll see most you tomorrow. Seeing as a couple of you were filling out the paper work to transfer to Mr. Fang's class." She had an eerily evil smile on her lips as she started sorting through some of the papers, grading them as the next class came in.

"You're kidding me." A mans voice boomed from the doorway.

"No, Kim Namjoon, I am not. Neither is the universe. Go sit your dimpled butt down." She said with a chuckle as one of her brothers best friends sat down in the front row, per usual.

"You're horrible." He groaned from the desk as pulled out some of his books.

"And I'm here to stay." Which was too horribly true for that poor man.

"Oh, for Pete's Sake!" Another voice from the door.

"Hey, Kookie." She called out, finally looking up from her papers to look at the youngest of Jimin's friends.

"Why didn't Jimin warn us?" He groaned as he plopped down into the seat next to Namjoon.

"Because he's a pain in the..." Her sentence came to a screeching stop as Jung Hoseok walked in.

"Why do I feel really young? And why do I feel like you're really old?" She asked the passing boy as he came around to hug her.

"Because whether or not you like it, even I'm your oppa." He said as he ruffled her curls up.

"Dude, I've gotta present myself to another class." She said as she 'patted' her hair down into its original state.

"So Formal~" He drug the words on until he sat down in the middle row.

Finally the class was filled up with more than her brothers friends, more than people she'd embarrassed herself in front of more than once.

"Hello, everyone my name is-" Her sentence was cut off as someone literally stumbled into her class.

"I'm sorry for being so late, my alarm didn't go off." The stressed, and tired looking, student rambled on.

She pitied him, because she had started her first day of college like that. Just like him.

"It's alright, I was just introducing myself." She said in a gentle manner.

He muttered another quick sorry before scrambling into one of the rows in the back.

"As I was saying, my name is Park Jae-Hwa. You may address me as Jae, or Miss Park if you wish. Since most of you are older than me, please take good care of me." She bowed again, and she felt a slight tingle go up her spine, in the most uncomfortable of ways.

Her back pain was returning.

It was returning worse than it had before.

But class was over soon enough, and she was able to take her daily pills once she got to lunch.


"So, how was your first day so far?" Mrs. Jang asked as she prepared herself to eat.

"Good so far, one of the kids in the first group was a little... rude about my age. He made a few comments during class, but nothing serious." She said softly, choosing her words as carefully as she could.

She wasn't used to talking to adults so often, or anyone older than her besides Jimin's friends, and she even had trouble then.

But what she lacked in social skills, she certainly made up for in cultural and educational skills.

"I was pretty young at the first college I taught at, and there was this awfully rude student around my last year there, I remember him vividly making a point to embarrass me." Mrs. Jang said as she fastened her silvery gray locks into a clip.

"What did you do about it?" Jae-Hwa asked as she opened up her vitamin bottles.

"I waited until he graduated to confront him. Turn's out he'd had a crush on me since we were in junior high, and I had just bumped myself up enough grades to miss him." She smiled widely, her eyes crinkling.

"We got married shortly afterwards, and now we're happily married still after some thirty-plus years."

Jae-Hwa's smile grew, but she knew this story wasn't going to be much use in her case, seeing as she had grown up way out of the way in china, not that anyone here knew that.

"It's a nice story. But I'm kinda hoping that doesn't happen to me, in a way..." She bit her lip, she hoped she didn't sound rude, but she also couldn't ever seeing herself dating a student. Especially one older than her.

"A lot of people don't want that to happen, but it does. It doesn't mean you have to, it's just that sometimes it happens." Mrs. Jang trailed off as someone approached the table.

"Yes, Mr. Min, is there something we can help you with?" She asked as the boy just stood behind Jae, just out of sight.

"I forgot to turn this in at the end of English, so I came to drop it off. I have to leave early today and I didn't think I'd get a chance to later." The boy, man, guy... whoever Mr. Min, said as he slid a piece of paper next to Jae.

"Also, I'm still sorry about barging in earlier."

Then it clicked, and Jae about choked on her bubble tea.

"I-It's fine" She coughed. "I did the same thing on my first day actually, accept my hot tea landed on the teachers chest. And then I fell up the stairs trying to get to my seat. So don't feel bad about that."

Now it was his turn to laugh a little.

"Yeah, that sounds pretty bad. Well, sorry to have barged in, and I hope whatever is on that paper is correct. See you late Miss Park." Then he 'casually' sprinted away, and then out the cafeteria.

"That boy has a crush on you." Mrs. Jang concluded as Jae scanned over the paper work, it was all correct.

Except he forgot to write his name at the top.

"What do you mean?" She asked mindlessly as she scribbled his score on the top, which was really just based on how many English words he'd spelled correctly.

"He's pretty doom and gloom in every other class he's in, and he's usually slower than 0MPH." Mrs. Jang said softly, yet not lacking the matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm sure it's just because he fell into class." Jae said softly as she pushed the paper into her 'teacher' bag, making sure to not put it in her actual purse.

"I will make you a deal. If you skip lunch tomorrow, and basically stalk him, I will talk to Mrs. Oh about letting you paint your classroom however you see fit." She bargained with her.

"Fine, but only because no one likes tan walls." Jae said in defeat as she shook on it.

That's how it all began, how everything started.


I hope you all enjoy this, be prepared for the next chapters.
Also, check out the chapter titled CONTEST to see how you can get into my next book series.
Love, Siha.

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