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Your pain

Jae sighed deeply as she stared at the tv screen, she'd already gotten a perfect score on every song in guitar hero III and it wasn't even Tuesday.

Sure, being sick had some perks, but not being able to breath well enough to finish the garden?

That sucked.

Jae set the controller down, popping the game out in order to replace it with call of duty, because she really just wanted to shoot something right now.

"Jae, I'm home." Jimin called from the front door, late as usual.

"Good to hear..." She mumbled quietly, a coughing fit ensuing right after.

"You okay?" Jimin asked as he sat down next to her on the couch.

"I have a cold, possibly a lung infection, and the guy I beat out for the job as English teacher is now the substitute. I'm fine, really." She said sarcastically before setting it to the zombies mode on the game.

"Jae, the last time you played zombies mode, you forgot to take your pills..." Jimin said as he took the controller from her hands.

"I took my pills." She said as she reached for the controller.

"All of them?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You know the anti-depressants mess with me, Jimin. I don't want to take them anymore, please." She begged as she pulled her knees to her chest.

"That's not up to us, that's up to the Doctors." He said as he got up to go get the pills.

Then it started, the side affects of her not taking them.

She just broke down, tears streaming down her face, sobs racking her body.

Everything that she'd kept inside just unleashed in her all at once.

"The school therapist that they made me go see says that my dissociation is getting worse. I actually forgot that dad left, and that mom died, that I went to her funeral even." She paused, her breath catching a bit.

"Things are starting to make less sense, and if I'm going crazy, I want to at least remember how I went." She finally finished as she pulled her blankets around her tighter, and tighter, until they felt like a second skin.

"You've only been taking the pain pills, haven't you?" Jimin asked as he sat back down on the couch.

"The other ones make me feel so weird inside. The ones for schizophrenia make me feel so dull, and dead inside. Then the anti-depressants create this kind of fake happiness that makes me too happy. The blood thinners make me too dizzy at times, they cause nosebleeds, they make me so weak. I just hate it all."

Jae hadn't ever really told Jimin how she felt about all the pills she'd been having to take, about how she hated them. How she hated the way they made her act.

Because she didn't want to put that burden on him, she'd just kept quiet and took them, until now at least.

"Look, Jae, I know that you don't like them. And I'm sorry about how they make you feel, but if you don't take them, I can't help you. If I can't help you, you go to the hospital, and we both know we'd rather not have to go there." He wasn't trying to threaten her, but if he had to, so be it.

"I... fine." Jae gave in, because she did have memories of the hospital, none of which were good.

After a bit more coaxing he'd gotten her to take the pills, and her mood was going back to normal.

ᴛᴜᴛᴏʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴇᴀᴄʜᴇʀs📚 (Min Yoongi) COMPLETED✅Where stories live. Discover now