He reads your Diary

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It was a pretty little book, a beautiful shade of green with little red gems on the sides. Scorpius had seen you writing in it a lot. He wanted to know what it was, what's inside. Why? Well, he didn't really know himself.

"Bye Chief. I'm gonna go to Rosie's house to study" you say, grabbing your sweater and heading out the door.

"O-ok, um, bye" Scorpius called after you. After he was sure you'd left, he creeped to the place where you've been keeping the little book.

This book is the property of: Lily Luna Potter


Today was my first day of 5th year. Hogwarts is the same as ever. Life's pretty boring. I don't know why I'm even doing this. But guess what happened today? Guess! I ran into (literally) Albus's friend, Scorpius Malfoy. He was actually kinda cute. He looked at me, and I was about to explode! Turns out I was late for Charms. Sucks to be me -_\\. As they say, C'est la vi mon ami. Anyhoo, he helped me up, and we have at least half our classes together. It's kinda fun. Life's not so boring anymore.


SCORPIUS ASKED ME OUT!!!! I'm so happy! :) I'm gonna die of joy! We're officially dating now, and life is good!


Scorpius is so cute! We officially have nicknames! I'm Sunshine, and he's Chief. I'm so happy. He's met my family. I've yet to meet his. Well, I guess there's not much to say. Except that Halloween is coming up. We're gonna be Oreos. Rosie and Hugo are throwing a party 🎉! I haven't seen Hugo in years! It'll be nice catching up. Well, it's 9:30 here, so, I'm gonna get to sleep. Tomorrow's another day. Bye for now.

Poor Scorpius didn't even get to see the next date. He was aware that there was an eerie silence.

"You nosy little wizard!" you exclaimed.

"L-lily?! I thought you were at Rosie's!" Scorpius exclaimed

"I came back to get my books" you said, snatching the book from his hands.

"Look, Sunshine, I'm sorry? Ok?" Scorpius says.

"Hmm, let me think. No" you said, mock thinking about something.

"Pwease forgive me Sunshine?" he says, embracing you.

"Fine. Just don't do it again!" you scold.

"Ok! I promise" Scorpius said.

Hey peeps! Whassup? I iz bored again! I saw this and thought I'd try it out.


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