The Two Tricksters

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You wake up with a Refreshed body but I still had the scratches and tears on my body,You get up and grab the clothes from the drawer and dress back in new clothes then You hear a giggle in the darkness,You turn around and the light turned on and the faceless Business lady was there with a blush on her face.
Y/n:Did you just see me change?
she just nods
Y/n:Who are you,what am I doing here,and what do you want from me
Slenda:My names Slenderwoman but call me Slenda,Your in my mansion and you'll be here forever,and I want you to meet the others.
You sigh as you go outside of the room,you decided to open the door 1 with the name
Benny When you get in you notice A gaming console with the game "Majora's mask"so You decided to play it but something was a little odd because there was already a save file there so you decided to play on the file,everything went fine until you had no control over anything and Link jumped into the lake and Drowned.You were about to go to room 2 until the Tv said in red words: Leaving Already Y/n?You were creeped out now on how it knows you name then two Pale hands reaches out from the tv and pull some one out then a face appeared,You jumped a little back and fell Then the link cosplayer stood in front of you staring down at you.Then you heard a giggle then uncontrollably laughter
You get off the floor
Y/n:Hardy har har now what is your name?
Benny:Benny is the name and be careful because I'm the trickster of the house so watch your back for me and Jill.
She boops your nose,You blush when she did.
Y/n:Btw why did you all tickle me Yesterday?
Benny:Because it would of been funny and all that and we wanted revenge.
Y/n:ok.I really need to stay away from them
You walk out of her room and onto the next Which had the words "Jill" on it.You decided to go in and there was a Jack in a Box on the ground with a note next to it saying"wind it up"so went up to it and winded it up,it had the melody of "Jack in a box" then when it stopped A bunch of confetti came out and A Person came out and pulled you in the box.You screamed before you were pulled in.You woke up and Saw The black and white clown looking at you
Y/n:So you're Jill right?She just Kneeled there
Y/n:Um what's this?
She pulled out a Chainsaw.You ran into a Black and white town and hid in a store nearby then you saw her walking through the town with her Chainsaw reving around the place then she looks at where you are and walks towards you so you run out the back door and try to find another spot but she was hot on your tail
Jill:You can run but you can't hide~
You kept running and running until a brick hit your leg and you fell down,you turned on your back and saw Jill towering over you she leaned down still staring at you the. She booped your nose with her sharp claws and kissed your lips which surprised you,you tried to pull back but she kept pushing your face to hers,then after a few minutes she pulled out with a smile on her face.
Y/n:why did you do that?
Jill:Because i would of gotten to make everyone jealous.
then she points to the others who obviously were fakes over far but not so far then she pulls your face to hers and kisses you,you keep trying to pull out but she keeps pulling you in then she wrestles with your tongue and she wins then she pulls out of the kiss,You see a string of Silvia from her mouth and yours,you were blushing madly at that kiss
Jill:well that was fun,See you next time~she said in a seductive voice
Y/n:Yea not coming back here Again
You thought then a doorway opened and you stepped into it but Jill leaped at you kissing you through the doorway and into real life.
Slenda's POV
I waited till Jill was done with her prey AKA Y/n then The jack in a box melody played backwards meaning Jill opened the door way,Then confetti appeared and Y/nwas there but was overpowered by Jill in a kiss?!I pull Jill off of Y/n with him Blushing there.
Jill:well good bye.
she steps back but accidentally Crushes the jack in a box then it shows pictures of you naked in the bed your new room Y/n:What the Fuck?
Jill grabs a blanket and covers the pictures up while blushing. You quickly run out the room but heard Slenda say You're definitely gonna give me one of those.You finally meet a door that says Clockwork.

Tick Tock (Male Reader X Fem Creepypasta) ConcludedWhere stories live. Discover now