On Halloween

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Masquerade dance on Halloween.

Those four words had my brain working at the speed of light. This isn't my type of night, I'd rather sit in my humble apartment and be on my own, read a good book and maybe have some hot chocolate while I read. However, I asked for some favors and now people were collecting. This is what you get for having a low-class cupid to work for you on Valentine's day.

Yes, I am a cupid and not one of those fake people you see on TV. I mean a real-life cupid, I had the power to make people fall in love and fall out of love as well just by snapping my fingers. Love at first sight? I make that happen. No big fat baby, no arrows, what we had was a huge organization that made happy couples that sometimes spent a lifetime together and sometimes did not make it, don't look at me because mistakes are sometimes made. We're still human regardless.

Being chosen as a cupid is a huge honor and once you spend a certain amount of time you get to go back to your regular life with a bank account filled with zeros and a somebody next to you to spend the rest of your life with. My time is almost about to end but I'm having such a fun time that I don't even think about going back to my old life.

Working on Halloween was another story though. Kids are crazy and filled with hormones and make bad decisions, I always tried to avoid working on Halloween every time I could, I hate it with the passion of 10 burning suns. Do you want to hear the stupidest part of it all? All I had to do was find one true couple. ONE. TRUE. COUPLE.

Not three regular couples.

Not Ten.


You could think that's something good since I can just get in, get that couple, and then get out; but that's not easy. Finding a true couple is as hard as finding a lost earring on the sea, it was a good thing that I used my contacts and could confirm that two people that were almost a perfect match would attend this Halloween masquerade party. The last thing was I only had until 12 o'clock.

Game on.

Now I needed a nice costume with an even nicer mask.

By the time I made it to the luxurious hotel and made my dramatic entrance wearing a dress gotten straight out of pride and prejudice and a silver mask that would make any Pretty little liar fall to her knees it was already 9:35 PM, which means I had a very limited time to find this couple and go home. I started searching around, trying to see if this couple would stand out from the rest of the people. I got nothing. All my eyes could see was a ridiculous Lady Gaga/Jigsaw outfit that this girl was wearing, it was horrible let me tell you and it took several attempts for me to get my attention off it.

The music blasting through the speakers had the kids rubbing against each other. Gross. I kept my eyes on my goal and scanned every single guy and girl around trying to find the perfect match, it would be worse to go back empty-handed. I started moving around because just standing there would get me nowhere. I headed to the food area and was getting close when I felt my hand being grabbed and my body being pulled to the side when the noise of glass breaking made the crowd quiet. I crashed into a huge chest, nose first and before I had the chance of falling to the ground a strong arm was wrapped around my waist. I looked up to find a black mask hiding the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen in my entire life, it was kind of dark, but I could still see them, it was like they were sparkling. My heart started to race, and my knees felt weak, I had no clue of what was going on with me and I sure did not like it. I came back to my senses after a full minute and pulled back from him, looking behind me, I saw a huge bowl of some weird green beverage shattered on the floor and a couple of kids apologizing to someone who I believed was the hotel staff. I looked back at the unknown guy completely amazed.

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