Chapter 1. The Dragon King

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Far up North in the Empire, General Esdeath had just concurred the Northern Tribe and the leader of said tribe also none as 'The Hero of the North' was currently on his hands and knees completely naked licking General Esdeaths boots like a dog, while she sat on a throne made entirely out of ice smiling at all the carnage that she had created from the hero of the norths entire army. What was one a battlefield was now a graveyard for an entire army that wanted nothing more than to overthrow the corrupt empire and make the world a better place for the future.

Esdeath was a young woman in her earlier twenties with long blue hair and blue eyes. She wears the General's apparel with long sleeves, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest, which is the sign of her Imperial Arms. She was also immensely sadistic and loved to murder and torture people and to find new ways to torture people. She also lived by her father's philosophy which was 'The strong survive and the weak die' and she took it to heart.

While Esdeath was sitting on the throne made of ice she created she was thinking of what to do next. She has never had a good fight before, because no one was even strong enough to even touch her. She was getting bored and wanted a decent challenge, someone who could push her to her limits.

She was finally brought back to reality by The Three Beasts, a small group she had created to serve her as her personal bodyguards. All three wore matching black uniforms. The head of the group was former General Liver whom Esdeath had released from prison. He had grey hair tied into a long ponytail with a mustache and blue eyes. Behind him was Daidara, who was a large muscular man with long spiky blonde hair and wore a black headdress with horns on it. He had pure white eyes, pupil-less eyes. And finally the last member was Nyau, who was  youngest and shortest member of the group. He had short blonde hair and  his pupils were eyes with slit-like and had fanged teeth. Just like Daidara, he had a horned themed headdress.

The first to speak was Liver. "Lady Esdeath, we had secured the perimeter and made sure that they're are no survivors just like you ordered." Said Liver as he bowed with respect to Esdeath while giving a report, that they have completed the orders given to them.

Esdeath looked at him with a bored expression on her face before giving a tired sigh and saying. "Good work you three. You are dismissed." She said waiving them off. They just looked at each other for a second before Liver decided to ask a question. "Um? Lady Esdeath, are you ok? You seem a little depressed. If you don't mind my asking." Said Liver in a slightly worried tone. Esdeath just sighed again before deciding to answer. "It's just that I'm very disappointed in this so called Hero of the North." She said while looking at the man who still continued to lick her boots the entire time. But before Liver could ask what she meant though she continued. "You see, when I heard stories of how strong she is, I thought that I could finally have an opponent that's worthy enough to challenge me. But instead I've got stuck with this worthless piece of trash!" She said and as she said that last part she said it through gritted teeth as she stomped on the mans head, digging her heal into the mans head causing him to bleed, and also making him whimper like a scared dog. "What a pathetic excuse for a man." She said as she gave the man a death glare that just made him whipper even more.

Liver was about to say something to her, but before he could he was interrupted by..........


The sound of an earth shattering roar made everyone stop what they were doing and look around to try and find were it came from and prepare they weapons as well.

"Um wha-wha-what the helll was th-th-that?!" Asked a scared Nyau as he was literally shaking with fright.

Daidara  who wasn't fairing much better asked. "I-I-I-I d-d-don't kn-kn-know? But it sounds like s-s-some k-k-k-kind o-of Danger Beast." He said frightened as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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