\\ [IMAGINE] When you two have seperated shifts //

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On your shifts:

• Enid would always show up right when your shift started.

• She would bring you snacks for you to nibble on as you worked cashier.

• She would sometimes insist to take your shift, even though you denied. She would lift you out of your seat and steal it to make sure she really did take your shift for you.

• If she sees that you are in a bad mood she full on blocks everyone away and grabs anything a queen would need. Of course she would take your shift.

• Cuddles!

• She would always ask you to hum or sing some songs to past time due to her loving your voice.

• If Rad teased her about babying you, she would threaten to shove the nearest object down his throat. Most of the time it was K.O.

• Mr. Gar would sometimes tell Enid to let you do your job and she agrees. It's a lie everytime.

• You two watch funny videos when the store was quiet.

• Whatever you say, she will always keep you company on your shifts.

On her shifts:

• You would show up with either baked goods or some art that you drew the night before to show her.

• If Enid forgot a lunch you would buy her a thing of lightning nachos.

• You and K.O love to talk and bug Enid.

• Your seat is always on the counter right beside Enid's chair.

• Sneaky cheek kisses!

• You always love to cuddle, hug, or peck Enid on the lips to make her flustered. Yet she is perfectly fine with cheek kisses.

• She lowkey get jealous when you and Rad joke around.

• Most of the time, Mr. Gar will ask why you hang in the store when Enid has her shifts. You only shrug and smile.

• You, Rad, and K.O love to play tough games which most of the times ends up with Enid catching you and scolding the two.

• Enid will draw little doodles on your hand when she is bored.

• If you are ever sick on her shift. She is immediately in a bad mood.

• Sometimes you will draw Enid and pass it over to her making her gawk and blush.

• You are shy when Enid does public affection (Like cheek kisses, cuddling, etc) yet you are usually to quiet if she is kissing out in the same room as someone else.

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