Money Is Not Everything

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Money is not Everything

I never planned for that day to happen the way it did. The blood curdling screams of my mother and sister still ring through my ears, everything was a mistake. I wish I could go back and change everything. It all started three months ago.

"Edwin...Edwin... wake up, the day has come," my sister furiously shook me in my sleep to awaken me. I jolted up in my bed, knocking the sheets onto the floor. The sunlight was starting to stream through the red curtains, highlighting the dust in the air. It was usually not this cold during September in Virginia, but due to certain events, there was a strange chill in the air. Rosalie had a wild look in her piercing green eyes. "He's gone, what are we going to do now? Mother is the only one left." I could not process it, had father really died? There was only one thing keeping us from getting our inheritance, our mother.

The funeral was on a grey and dreary day, in the middle of September. I walked under the dark, towering oak trees that seemed to curve and grab at each other, as if holding onto each other for life. The brisk wind blew around the fallen leaves, making an ominous rustling sound. I peered through the patch of trees to the foreboding stone mansion, everyone was appropriately dressed in black, as is customary at funerals. Rosalie and I had a plan, we had discussed it the morning she woke me up, a few days ago. We needed the money and mother was the only one standing in the way.

The night had come, I did not know if I could go through with this, Rosalie was more determined than I. How could I do this to my own mother? I couldn't. This was not okay. I had to stop Rosalie from carrying out the plan, I was not as evil as my sister. At that very moment, there was a blood curdling scream, I ran up the stairs, feeling as if the cold narrow walls were closing in on me. All of a sudden I was painfully aware that I was too late. The gruesome sight that was before me was not what I had expected at all, my eyes fell on my mother who stood above my sister with a dagger dripping with Rosalie's blood, the dark red dripping onto the wooden floors. "I knew all along, I would never let you spoiled children take the money," my mother seethed at me, and with that she plunged the dagger into my chest. She did not realize yet, what sorrow would follow her, she had all the money she needed, but not a single friend or family member to care about her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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