The Hell...

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Dylan smiled at me and I walked over to him. He stood up and I leaned up kissing him. I just knew my face was red and I heard people laughing in the background. I didn't listen to it though honestly.. I moved away from Dylan and looked down. We looked at the others and we sat back down. After about another hour of playing we all went to bed. I spelt on the couch so did Jenny, Nevada, and Angelee (my family owns three different couches) and the boys slept on the floor.

The next morning I was the second to last to get up, Dylan was last to get up. We made breakfast. It was soooo yummy. Nevada looked at me and lightly elbowed me, "You like him, don't you?" "N-No." I stuttered. She laughed and I rolled my eyes. We all hung out around the pool after breakfast.

Later that day it was only me and Dylan at my house. We watched movies and just goofed off all day. We played games and talked about random things. Soon we were playing question and answer. Dylan asked me, "What's your favorite thing to do?"

I thought for a moment, "Skateboard." Simple answer I thought. "Okay. What's your favorite movie?"

Dylan shrugged, "Woman in Black?"

I laughed slightly. "Okay then."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Who is your best friend ever?"

"Well it is between Nevada, Angelee, Jenny, you, and Austin."

Dylan grinned, "Really truly?"

"Really truly." I laughed.

We played questsion and answer for hours. Learning even more abut the other. It was fun until my family got home. My mom wanted to know why Dylan hadn't gone home yet and I answered, "Because his parnts went out of town and you said it was cool if he stayed here, remember?" She nodded and went to do whatever she does.

Austin came back over later that day and he and I were hanging out for a while. Around eleven o'clock Austin smiled at me and asked, "Wanna go out?" I looked at him shocked. In my had I was thinking, What the hell...

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