Kim Taehyung/Kim Namjoon - Chapter 2

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A/N: Okay so when I checked on google it said that in Korea they celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December... Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm just gonna stick with what the Internet says. This ones pretty long...
Enjoy 💕

22nd of December, the day after Jin had adopted the two boys. The countdown started, 3 more days till Christmas.

Yoongi had adapted to the small apartment very fast, though Jimin didn't, he said Mr Jae Eun always provided him with riches and expensive 'toys' which Jin won't go into detail about, so he wasn't used to living in 'Low life' conditions, he also mentioned that Mr Jae Eun would praise him if he remained excellent for a day occasionally touching him in spots Jimin never allowed anyone to touch. It hurt at first to hear such a heartless insolent comment, but learning Jimin's life in little sentences hurt more.

Jin made an oath to never abandoned his now considered little family.

"Jin-hyung." Jimin asked as his eyes watched Jin tying his white sneakers that Mr Jae Eun had gotten him one day, he was knelt on one knee while Jimin was seated on Jin's bed.

"Where are we going?" He asked while nibbling on the over sized white outrack plateau collar that stuck up surrounding his mouth and neck, "Were shopping for Christmas decorations." Jin said while tightening the last bow he made on Jimin's right shoe, "And done!" He shot Jimin a smile which Jimin seemed fazed with, but he shook it off slightly, "Who's Christmas?" Jimin asked, again nibbling on the collar.

"Jimin-ah, Don't chew on that please." Jin knelt his other knee and boosted himself on his legs to meet eyes with Jimin's, Jin tucked the collar out, head leaning to the side to do the same around his collar, Jimin couldn't help but scan Jin's features. From up close he looked more feminine, lips plump and shining a glossy raspberry colour, brown eyes that shined whenever he met them with Jimin's.

Finally Jin pulled back, "Its not who, it's What? You've never had Christmas before?" Jin asked confused as he began to sit up next to Jimin, cautious not to make the bed creek or wake up Yoongi as he still wanted to give the sleeping boy ten more minutes.

"Mr Jae Eun never told me about this. Is it delicious?" Jimin's eyes beamed, Jin couldn't help but smile, "The treats are, and the sing alongs and games are fun! But it's mainly spending time with family that matters the most of Christmas." Jin explained, "I guess this is your first Christmas shared with me and Yoongi." Jimin nodded, what made Jin's heart skip a beat was the sentence that left Jimin's mouth.

"My first Christmas with my First family!" Jimin blurted excitedly, clapping his hands rapidly as he bounced in his spot on the bed, "Lets go!" Jimin's pointed to the door and began to leap off of the bed, "Ah! Jimin-ah! We can't forget about Yoongi!" Jimin was already at the door knob, he turned his head and pouted, "Why do we need Yoongi?" Jin thought for a while on his words before answering, "Because we need him to protect us, we both can't fight remember?" Jin said as he stood up and stretched his legs.

"I can protect myself! I'm big and strong! I'll protect us both Jin-hyung!" Jin just cooed at the determination and seriousness in Jimin's tone and expression. "But Jimin, Sometimes its Okay to let someone else protect you." Jin said as he lent down to wake up Yoongi. "Really?" Jimin asked questioningly, his learning a lot.

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