Chapter 2 : Escape

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You climb your way up to the top of this enormous tower, as you reached the end. The Outsider greets you.

"You've finished the first trial. The power of the runes can only be unlocked to those who have been marked by Me."

As the Outsider levitates from another platform of void stone, he slowly raises his hand, To form a exact size replica of Beacon. Although it's made of void stone

The main door opens, signalling you to come inside. And you did so...

"The power of the runes are kept locked inside this Academy to ensure people with bad intentions never find use of it."

You walk through the halls of Beacon.
Suddenly, People or students appear made of void stone.
Judging by their expressions, they are overjoyed..

"But since the fall of beacon, the runes are said to be vanished forever after the crumbling bricks and stones fell upon them.

You heard a loud crash in the rooftop and people screaming with a little distorted voice. The building is collapsing

Running away, you hurried to the exit door. But as soon you left, a large hole forms below you and sucked you in.

You scream and wildly flails your arm before having your arm caught by The Ousider, who is still in the platform. Dragging you to prevent falling, you breath heavily and layed down...

"But let me tell you a little secret, They are not gone yet..." he said as you black out...

Your eyes shot open as you gasp heavily. You clutched your heart, it pains you to remember the day your father died..
Anyways, looking at a mysterious place, you've concluded you are in a cell.

"Hey, this one is for you." A guard with a black hair came to your cell bars and slid a cake.

"Dig down to it and you'll find a surprise." He said before leaving.

Grabbing the small cake, you bited it messily. After 1 minutes thw cake was already gone.

A small key is in a tray, untouched.

You grabbed the key and hurriedly unlocked your cell wall. Running away, you noticed that three guards conversating. But you don't have for that and you activates the VW.

Deciding to become a Envisioned, the shapeshifting process is kinda weird. After finishing transformation, you slashed their heads off instantly. Though you gotta have to revert back. And you did so.

You grabbed their sword and a pistol, and also their purses. Containing coins.

Sneaking queitly, you killed and slaughtered all of the guards withouy attracting notice.

You've soon be stopped by a giant gate. No ways to open it,the only way to get out of this place.

"I need a bomb." You said as you started looking into an armory next to the gate. After minutes of finding a bomb, you've finally found a bomb.
Also a new sword and a creepy mask sitting lonely, the sword is a machinery and can only opened by doing a butterfly trick. Though you are also an expert to swords, you did it without trouble, and the mask looks like it has a multi lens for scoping. You still didn't know their extreme potential, so you've taken them. Though you didn't use the mask.

Making your way to the gate again, you heard a voice coming in.

"Who did this?" A man in his 40's asks the frightened guard, "We d-don't know Royal guard Attano!" Your eyes widened and quickly hid.

That's Corvo? He's the master of the sword, how can I take him?


My heart is beating too fast I can't think properly. Suddenly, i heard footsteps coming this way...

You gotta be strong (Y/N), if you've focus properly we might stll win!
With enough courage, you looked to see only the frightened guard.

Someone taps my shoulder, and there I saw. Corvo in his mask.

Huh? That's his mask?! You tried to grab your folding sword. But failed after he kicked your face. Sending you away for a few meters.

"Looking for this, kid?" You've looked at him to see the folding sword in his hands...

You've activated your VW, and try to become a Grimm dragon, after transforming. You tried to bite his face but his mobility and agility keeps you from hitting him.
You tried to hit him with your spiky tail and it works! He was sent flying back!

Suddenly, he appeared in a instant behind you, he has also The Outsiders mark!

He pierced your ribcage using his sword,  screaming in agony. You've maked a quick escape by tearing the rooftop and flying away...

You've flyed so high in the sky, but your timer id up. Reverting to normal, you've scream as you fall. Your clothes started to burn a little.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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