Slaves to Humanity

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"Cut!" someone yells from behind the invisible cameras. We never see the cameras. Some idiot thought that if we couldn't see the cameras, then our acting would be more natural. It doesn't matter, and it somewhat even makes it more creepy when there are random breathes and whispers that no one can see. We only see them when our scene is finished and the camera no longer running. But when we do see them, their images are ghostly and surreal. Humans can't cross into this dimension, they can only see what goes on, and record us with invisible cameras.

 I look down at my pink hooves and watch the way the dirt road swirls around ever so slightly in the wind. My part is the hardest to play for the entertainment of these humans. As Pinkie Pie, I need to be enthusiastic and happy, which is hard to do when we're all slaves to these humans. Pinkie Pie. What kind of a name is that?! Pinkie Pie?!

I would like to sink my fangs into the creator of that name. I never thought I would care about my slave name

  I sigh as I trudge back to the portal, ready for another afternoon of harassment as our faces are stared at by the humans as they think of ways to stamp our faces on merchandise so they can collect more of that useless, green, flakey stuff. I never really liked the portal jump to the human world. Some might think that when I say portal, I mean a swirling vortex of rainbows and sparkles and a magical experience. If only it were like that.

I guess the way the humans figured it out, they had to make the portal go through hell to get to another world. At least I think it’s like that. Every time I jump through, there’s this darkness eating away at my soul, and memories of everything I ever regretted washing over me, changing away, darkening my soul until I feel that nothing is left. It’s an agonizing experience for the few seconds that it lasts.

We’ve always thought of running away into that world, the one where pony kind like us live, where humans cannot set foot in. I smile as I remember the time when the humans figured out that they cannot go to our world. They’re bodies turn and twist in torment when they jump through the portal. When they finally arrived in our world, the pony world, they caught some kind of disease from the air the second they came in contact with it. It only affects humans, and has no effect on us ponies.

Before they left, they captured me and my friends. I stop smiling when I remember that. We became slaves. Slaves to these humans.

 There was nothing we could do about it. No other ponies in our world know our situation, and if we tell them, or even try to run away, they can blow us to pieces. Or even worse, blow up another slave. There is nothing more agonizing than having to live, and have the burden of knowing that someone else died because of you.  

 All these thoughts of regret fall over me as I jump through the hell portal, back to the world of silly humans who find pleasure in our forced happiness. When we return, we are stuffed into our cage. The only comfort we get is in our pony world, when we are acting. But even then we can’t be ourselves.

There is only one thing to look forward to in this horrible human world. Our nightly hunt. I guess going through hell does something to you after a while. After going through the portal so many times, it starts to affect you. Not just mentally, but now we realize, physically as well.

 As the moonlight reaches our fur, we start our transformation. We spread our wings, even me, an earth pony. We grow into the night, our fangs like long butcher knives. We rise as demons, as creatures of hell. We rise, beautiful and powerful in all our might. 

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