chapter 9

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"No absolutely not I reject this idea " A blonde haired male voice boomed
"But Laxus may be they will work together "
"Absolutely not Mira I'm not letting you set Lucy with Natsu "
"Maybe Lucy will fall in love with Natsu "
"Yeah when hell freezes"
"Oh shut up Gray"
"Its true Mira there's no way my lil' sister is falling for that pink haired idiot and I'm not allowing it either "
"Gray sama"
"I agree with that stripper"
"Gajeel !"
"No I'm not backing out this time shrimp ,Salamander ain't going anywhere near thebunny girl "
"I agree too"
"Think Erza you need to think actually you all need to , Lucy has waited for like her entire life time for her Prince or whatever she call him there's no way she will accept a guy with a five year old daughter "
"Exactly so our conversation ends here , boys take your respective wife and scram "
"Hai Laxus "
"But we don't want to leave right girls "
"Yeah I'm not leaving either you are going to say yes to this Gajeel "
"You too Gray sama "
Each and every guy let out a sigh as they all nodded and picked their wives dropping them on their shoulder and walked towards the front door Laxus was standing there opening the door for them
"Take care  laxus "
"You too Gray"
"Thanks for inviting g us Laxus"
"No problem jellal "
And Gajeel being Gajeel just gave a stiff nod
Laxus closed the door after returning the nod to Gajeel as screams of the girl were being heard ,then the slamming of car doors followed by the engine start up .
"What was that all about Laxus ,do you hate Natsu so much you won't even give him a chance "
"No that's not it "
"Then what it is Laxus ?"
"Don't you get it at all or are you trying to ignore it Mira "
Laxus finally snapped ,running his hand through his blonde hair trying his very best to calm himself
"What ? What are you saying "
"Have you ever seen Natsu Mira ,have you seen how his eyes are filled with pain whenever he looks at Lisanna and Bixlow being married and expecting their first child while he is stuck where he was 5 years ago the only difference now holds that he has his daughter "
"It's not like at all Natsu is cheerful he will never be upset over such things "
"Really ? Now won't you be upset if you were in his place Mira ?"
"I -I ?"
"Don't answer because I know you will not be able to answer it at all , the guys have all seen it but you girls just turned a blind eye to it because you all were busy setting him up with girls he don't even like "
"I just want him to be happy "
"He would have been happy if your sister wouldn't have been so selfish , she was suppose to leave Bixlow and marry Natsu for his and Lina's sake "

"They committed a mistake Laxus "
"And with mistakes comes responsibilities Mira "
"Lisanna is dealing with her responsibilities "
"Like what Mira being pregnant with the kid of the man you love I don't consider it as dealing or repenting the only person who is wrapped in this entire mistake is Natsu and I'm not letting you ruin him again "
"Again? "
"Yes again you will give him a minute of happiness when you introduce him to Lucy but what about it ? What will happen after it what if Lucy denies him what if she rejects him ? Huh Mira I'm not letting you do this I can't see Natsu in that state again please neither of the guys can please if this stupid scheme of your failed I will never be able to look into his eyes just let him be "
"What's so wrong about Lucy she is perfect "
"That's what wrong Mira that's what wrong ! She is perfect ,innocent never kissed ,never touched you really think she will say yes to a five year's father ?"
"Maybe we can't just deny Natsu happiness "
"So what you and lisanna did 5 years ago wasn't denying him ,his happiness ?"
"That's diff rent"
"How so ? "
"Laxus let's just keep the past in the past there is no way we can change it , but we can't just stop moving forward because we are afraid to move forwad"
"You know what Mira do whatever you want but listen to me once and for all if me or the guys saw Natsu in the state that he was in  5 years ago, remember don't expect me or the guys to be forgiving , it will be the end of us !"
"What? What do you mean Laxus ?"
"It means exactly what it sound like I will be your husband for the sake of Xavier but don't expect anything else from me "
"Laxus listen to me!"
Mira voice was ignored as Laxus strode past her leaving their house
And once again she felt the loneliness she felt when she stood for her sister's happiness five years ago
She knew she and Lisanna were selfish back then , that's why they were being so inclined to make Natsu happy this guilt for five year wiped her and her sister of every happiness and relaxation yes they laughed ,smiled but that laughter never reached the core of their heart because they knew they destroyed some ones happiness by being selfish for theirs but now they were focused on Natsu's happiness and Mira won't stop now if she can stand against Laxus for her selfish desire she sure as hell can stand against him for making things right that she made wrong .
This chapter includes some drama yeah so Mira's matchmaking skills are out now and she is going to make things that were wrong now right
And from next chapters onwards it will include Natsu wooing Lucy
So yeah give me some ideas I will implement in this story shall I make Lucy reply to his wooing soon or should I make Natsu suffer a little in courting Lucy
Thanks all review please 💖💖💖

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