An Evening With The Mills

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Lili POV

Its Saturday afternoon and myself and Cole are just back from visiting and informing my parents about the news. It was incredibly heartbreaking telling my parents and seeing their faces crumble, it really it my dad harder than anyone else just the idea that his little girl will be gone and not being able to contact her at all.

At least when I was in Vancouver and now New York I was only a phone call away. My mom just cried and said that mothers are meant to go before daughters, that's just the way it's meant to be not the other way around. This just made me want to cry because as much as I wanted to remain positive I only have a thirty five percent chance of surviving which is simply terrifying.

Myself and Cole have barely talked about "it" since my diagnosis, he just wants to avoid talking about it all, he just wants to carry on as normal as if it never happened hoping it will all go away and that when I begin treatment on Monday we just take one day at a time.

We are both currently preparing dinner as Mads and Travis are paying us a visit and have news of their own. Myself and Cole have decided to tell them today and tell the rest of our old cast in the morning. We told Simone and Frank just before heading off to my parents and they wished me best of luck with everything and I ever need anything, they'll be there. Frank told me not to worry as medical advances have come on leaps and bounds in the past few years and that there are special
foods and concoctions I can try to get rid of "all the baddies", he's doing this to try and comfort me which I greatly appreciate but it's hard to think happy thoughts.

The kitchen is full of weird vegan things I've never even heard of, I was used to the usual stuff like tofu and coconut everything from when I was living with Mads during season one but I'd never heard of half the things we bought at WholeFoods like Manioc and Sea Beans but we wanted to make an effort tonight as Travis and Madalaine have been incredible to us, they convinced us to bite the bullet and see Europe for our honeymoon as we were originally going to go around the Caribbean but they sold Europe to us after their honeymoon.

The door bell rings, I open the door it's Travis and Madalaine,

"Sorry we're early, we wanted to stop off and get you guys a bottle of wine or something but all the off licences were closed" Madalaine says.

"It's fine don't worry , sure it's only four o'clock none of them are open in New York till at least five" says Cole chuckling.

"Ooh something smells good what you guys make?" Asks Travis, as I head into the kitchen to take the knifes and forks out of the drawer, where Cole is busy heating up the rice.

"Well Cole made this vegetarian paella thing with peppers and chickpeas, hope that's okay," I say giving Cole a quick peck on the cheek.

"Sounds great," says Madalaine as she and I head into the dining room leaving the guys to talk.

We talk about how everyone is doing and she mentions that she saw Vanessa the other day and that her and Tyler have gone their separate ways. To be perfectly honest I'm not surprised her and Tyler were never together, he was all over the place with his constant touring and she was also busy filming upcoming movies, it's sad don't get me wrong but I never really liked Tyler he was a little rude and narcissistic to all of us.

Travis walks in with a bowl of salad ,Cole behind him with the paella dish.

"Tuck in you guys" says Cole.

We all sit and chat for ages and laugh about old times until Travis looks at Mads and then at me. I bring in the plates with Cole and when we come back Travis looks us both straight in the eye.

" I, well we have something to tell you guys," says Travis. He has me slightly on edge as I can't have any more bad news as I've had my fair share of it this past few weeks.

"Well, we're , I'm ,"she looks at Travis "I'm pregnant". She says sounding relieved to get it out in the open.

"That's fantastic guys, congratulations, isn't that great Lili? Says Cole getting out of his seat to give them both a hug. I'm happy for them but now I'm thinking about I'm going to tell them my news.

"Cole, em it's time" I say swallowing hard. Cole gets back in his seat, I clutch his hand tight.

"I'm sick, I em have ugh cancer" I say trying not to break into tears.

"Oh my god Lili I'm so sorry, I feel terrible." Mads says crying jumping out of her seat and squeezing me tight. "I'm well we're here for you if you need anything and I mean anything".

"Have you told any of the others yet" ask Travis, I can tell he doesn't like talking about these kind of things.

Myself and Cole explain that we are going to tell everyone in the morning and that the cancer could be terminal but we're not entirely sure just yet. We talk for a while about it but I try and change the topic by switching to their happy news. We talk about that for a while and then Mads and Travis get up and thank us for a wonderful evening and a fantastic paella.

Madalaine tells me to give her a call if I need to talk. I close the door and myself and Cole begin to tidy up when we finish we make our way to the sitting room we both gaze into each other's eyes longingly, not a word is spoken by either of us, I was lost within the breathless paradise of his dreamy olive eyes and no sooner without any authority he clutched his hands onto my hips, leaning me against his body as I result I was weakened by his gentle seductive touch.

While pressing his body against mine and continuing gazing he kisses my neck softly
"I love you Lili Reinhart" he whispers as he reaches back up to my lips.

"I love you too Cole Sprouse and thank you for your support tonight, it meant a lot" I say reciprocating his kissing action as we both crash to the sofa not letting go of one another...

Hey guys L here, part 11 of the sequel, hope you enjoyed it!
Lots of love

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