My Haunted Mirror

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So this is just a story I wrote for a school project and i though I should share it:D

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Memories. They make up who we are. Everything we do, every decision we make, every word we hear has an impact on who we are. We remember the powerful  ones. The ones that changed us the most, made us feel our strongest emotions. Love.  Happiness.  Joy. I remember one that caused me joy which happened before I changed. Before I became what I see in the mirror every day.

I’m ten. It’s June 10th, my birthday, the day that you spend all 365 days waiting for because on this day you feel special and everything is about you. I came home after school. I walked into my house and mum was looking at me strangely. I remember thinking, ‘Why’s mummy acting weirdly?’ But I soon found out. As I entered the kitchen two people pounced out from behind our fridge. I screamed, jumping back in fright. There stood my aunty and one of my cousins. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” they cheered and I launched myself at my aunty. I hadn’t seen her, nor my cousin, for a year.

The next day we had pancakes, my favourite, before we headed to the gymnasium, where my party was. My friends arrived and we did anything and everything. We pushed each other into the pit, played tiggy, showed off seeing who could do the best cartwheel. I remember bouncing on the trampoline, going as high as I could, watching on as everyone played. My friends were squealing in excitement, as my mum and dad talked and laughed with the parents as they looked over us.

This was a time when I was happy. Being surrounded by my family and friends, watching the joy on their faces that I knew mirrored mine. Looking back I now know I was an innocent 10 year without a care in the world.

But not all memories are ones you want to remember, especially the ones make you feel the opposite - sad, depressed, broken. I try hard only to remember my happy memories but now  my bad memories outweigh my good. I may remember my happy memories, but it is never in the front of my mind. They’re always buried in the deep dark corners almost impossible to see. This is because there are other memories that stay in the forefront of my mind. And these memories replay in my mind every second of every day.  They changed me and had an effect on me that I wish it didn’t. Something they replay on my mind every second of everyday. Something that may seem so little, yet it started me on a downwards spiral. They led me to where I am now five years later, standing on the edge of a cliff, the cold hard rain whipping my stick like legs. The rain mixed with my tears as the memory played in my mind yet again.

Grinning, my five best friends and I ran off stage as the crowd went wild. We are in year 7. We have been competing in our school talent quest for two years now, never making it to the finals, but I knew that we would this year. We had worked so hard, getting our dance and costumes perfect. We all stood in our white short shorts and bright printed t-shirts, smiling like maniacs. The talent quest soon ended and we were told that the result would be posted on the notice board tomorrow.

Back in the classroom, my teacher had asked Ella and I to collect the roll from the office. We made our way over, talking animatedly about our performance. We got the roll, and were on our way back to our classroom when two of the ‘popular’ boys from our class walked our way. They snickered, looking at me. “Good performance,” Jamie said looking at Ella. Carlo looked at me and scrunched his nose up. “Hey, if you get into the finals, don’t wear shorts. Trust me your fat legs can’t pull them off, and you’re making a fool of yourself.” Jamie laughed along with Carlo, high-fiving. I rolled my eyes, acting like I didn’t care, even though on the inside I was breaking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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