Hetty paced ops looking at the face of Marty's mother, ignoring the concerned looks she was getting from Eric and Nell.
She did his background check, she knew about his father, she knew about the abuse he and his mother had suffered while he was a child, and she knew about his father's incarceration….How had she missed this!
She knew when she told them, both her agents were going to flip. She worried that this would break the team dynamics that one Agent would go 'lone wolf' while the other would harbor the blame for this.
She sat heavily in Nell's chair.
"Hetty, are you ok?" Nell asked concerned.
Hetty nodded, "I fear my dear, that we are in for some tough times ahead." She admitted. "I need you to clear OPS, when the others get back send Agent Deeks up to me, then when I call send Agent Callen only." She ordered.
Nell and Eric confused, nodded their assent and went downstairs.
Hetty turned to the screen, "Oh Clara, what have you done." She sighed, looking into the scared face of the woman on the big screen; she stared intently trying to see similarities to both her agents and couldn't see how she'd missed it.
Deeks sat in the back of the car scowling, his mother was, God knows where and Hetty had insisted that they all come back to ops and worse of all they had two CIA agents following in the car behind apparently charged with making sure Deeks didn't run away. He couldn't get his head around this, His mom, his blonde haired blue-eyed mom, with the quick smile and the sad eyes, who would send prayers up to her lost babies every night and would hold Marty as a child telling him her was precious to her and she tried to protect him every night from his father, who would hurt his mother and scream at her for loving her other family more than him and how he felt like a second class citizen in her life.
Deeks let a tear slide down his face as he remembered how when strangers would come to the house she would make him hide, she was, he knew a brave woman, but she was so sad and so scared of losing him.
He jolted back to the present as Sam pulled the challenger up outside the old water administration plant. Not waiting for the car to completely come to a stop he jumped out, with the CIA Agents on their heels all walked into the building, the two CIA Agents stopping briefly as the difference between the condemned outside of the building and the fully functioning interior hit them.
Nell stood on the stairs to Ops, "Deeks is to go up first, Agent Callen you are to go up when Hetty calls me."
Deeks not waiting bounded up the stairs, Callen turned on Nell, "What's going on?" he asked.
Nell shook her head, "I really don't know only when we pulled up the footage of Deeks' mom, and she looked shocked and shaken."
"I'm going up Nell." Callen said and tried to step around her.
Nell stood in his way, "Callen…Give her this time, I don't know what is going on yet, but I have never seen Hetty look this venerable." She said resting her hand on Callen's arm to placate him.
Callen let out a deep breath; you keep an eye on the phone." he said wanting her to be ready to call him.
Deeks walked into ops, he stopped seeing the picture of his mother on the screen, "Mom!" he took a step, "Hetty why isn't Eric in here, he should be tracking that van, and finding them…." He stopped and looked at her shocked face, "You…you haven't already?…she isn't…?" He couldn't ask.
Hetty turned and looked at him for the first time since he'd entered, "No, Mr. Deeks, As far as we know she is still alive."
She pulled out a chair, "Tell me about your mother?" She asked.
The Empty glass of truth.
FanfictionDeeks' life is turned upside down with the kidnapping of his mother...Hetty is surprise by the shocking revelation that his mother is someone she believed to be dead. Written for NCISLAADDICT.